GCC is tool designed to make process of making head/body textures easier for everyone for your upcoming Gothic Projects. Currently tool is really rough, but I working on every possible improvement that come to my mind.
- Loading custom assets made by you.
- Every single asset have 2 free channels for you custom channel coloring needs. (Red is mainly for skin, but not always, hair is exception.)
- Baking is functional, you can output your mixed textures into .png file. (Currently I dont really know how could I make TGA export.)
- Good and as most as possible accurate preview of character with ability to select different head model.
- Smaller/Positional assets :
- Currently assets use standard size format of head/body texture, and need to be correctly placed, so they are static.
- This feature will also improve customization, you will be able to set height of eyes/mouth and even separation and rotation.
- Support for custom models :
- I working on ASC importer, but it have some problems, so its not implemented yet.
- Nothing more come to my mind!