Releases: ShadowOne333/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Redux
Zelda 1 Redux v3.3.3
The following change has been implemented into Redux for 3.3.3:
- Fix automap for Dungeons 7, 8 and 9.
The issues initially plaguing Dungeon 9 for v3.3.2, then extended to Dungeons 7 and 8, have all been fixed in this new release thanks to vailkyte.
Zelda 1 Redux v3.3.2
The following changes have been implemented into Redux for 3.3.1:
- Add 4 music tracks for Dungeons, thanks to tacoschip. They will play from Dungeons 1 through 4, and then they will repeat in order from 5 through 8. Dungeon 9 still has the same music. The new tracks are as follows:
- Zelda 1 Dungeon Theme (Dungeons 1 & 5)
- A New Light Dungeon Theme (Dungeons 2 & 6)
- Perils of Darkness Dungeon Theme (Dungeons 3 & 7)
- Triforce Power Dungeon Theme (Dungeons 4 & 8)
Credits to each of the new themes' authors: gzip (A New Light), The3Dude (Perils of Darkness) and Matrixz (Triforce Power)
For v3.3.2, vailkyte fixed the Dungeon Automap for Dungeon 9 and the rest of the dungeon maps as well, so they behave properly instead of showing the full map on first dungeon entrance.
Additionally, two new optional patches have been added:
- Restore the Zelda 1 Dungeon Theme for all eight Dungeons (1-8)
- Change the Dungeon music to have only the original Zelda 1 Dungeon theme, and A New Light's dungeon theme. Zelda 1's will play on odd Dungeons (1, 3, 5, 7) and A New Light's will play on even Dungeons (2, 4, 6, 8).
Zelda 1 Redux v3.3
Latest stable version of Zelda 1 Redux. The new release also includes changes from 3.1 and 3.2, the whole changelog is as follows:
- Dungeon Automap (by tacoschip). The rooms inside dungeons appear on the automap as you visit them, and when you get the Dungeon Map, the whole dungeon gets uncovered.
- Bugfixes to bombs and arrow drops.
- Bugfixes and changes to the Bomb drops and Bomb upgrades.
- Fix for the sword and beam positions inside dungeons (by tacoschip)
- Added a handful of fixes to the optional patches, as well as a handful of new ones:
- Fixes to the "Original HUD" patch, and removed the "Flip HUD" patch in favour of this new one.
- Fixes to the "Link's Awakening GFX" and "Original NES GFX" patches
- Fixes to some wrongly placed bosses for the "Rearranged Bosses" patch
- New patch to refill all hearts after a Death/Game Over
- New patch that makes it so that naming a file "ZELDA" starts the game on 1st Quest as normal, instead of starting 2nd Quest by default
- New patch to restore the old door glitch from Dungeon 1
- Added a handful of new patches based on gzip's "Zelda Hack Pack" (with his permission), which include "Better Font Graphics", "New Light Dungeon Music", "Like Like rupees", "Low Hearts Beat Sound" and "Lost Woods and Lost Hills static screens"
- New patch that makes the sword swing similar to that of A Link to the Past (by tacoschip)
Zelda 1 Redux v3.0
Latest stable version of Zelda 1 Redux. This release also includes the bugfixes from v3.1 from
Changes from 2.0 to 3.0 include:
- Copy/Erase save file system: You can now copy your save file to another slot, and the whole file selection system should work like in subsequent Zelda titles (ALttP, OoT, etc.)
- Bugfixes to the Arrow drops: Previously, the first arrow drop didn't add to the arrow counter, now this has been fixed.
- Bugfixes and changes to the Bomb drops and Bomb upgrades: Bomb drops previously gave 4 bombs, it has now been changed to 5 for enemy drops. Additionally, the bomb upgrades now give 10 bombs instead of the original 4. (Optional patch for changing this to 5 has been added
Zelda 1 Redux v2.0
Added a proper diagonal sword swing courtesy of Minucce, and a lot of bugfixes to the original game.
Both MMC1 and MMC5 versions should properly work with their Automaps as well.
Zelda 1 Redux v1.1
Fixed the MMC1 Automap (thanks to both frantik and minucce) so it properly works with the MMC1 Animation code by Fiskbit.
Also, the MMC5 version received some clean-up work, and some bugfixes have been added by minucce.
Zelda 1 Redux v1.01
Fixed an issue with the MMC5 version colliding with some RAM addresses that seem to store Map data after some playtime.
Original bugged addresses were $0780-$0786, they have been changed to (what seems to be unused) $0628-$062B.
Zelda 1 Redux v1.0
Initial release for the hack.
Hack's official release page can be found in