This repository contains the documentation about the ausweisapp2 authentication application
As static-site generator we are using HUGO
To view the documentation as a Web site, run one of the binaries located at the top level of this repository with `serve' as an argument (hugo_linux for Linux, hugo_windows.exe for Windows, and hugo_mac for MacOS).
The command execution should look like ./hugo_linux serve
For the layout and design we use our self-made Hugo theme. This theme was integrated as a submodule into the theme folder.
Update the submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive
All website related markdown files are located in the content folder.
Each page exists as German and English version.
By default hugo is using english as main language. Other languages can be added to the config.yaml located at the top level of this repository.
Create a file with the english version:
touch <path_where_your_file_should_be_placed>/>
Create a file with the german version:
touch <path_where_your_file_should_be_placed>/>
These options can be used to define settings such as location, title, etc.
title: "Placeholder" # defines the site title
name: "Placeholder" # defines the menu entry
parent: "integration" # defines the parent entry
identifier: "placeholder" # defines the location on the web
weight: -999 # defines the order in the navigation (lower = higher classification)
pre: '<i class="fa fa-book"></i>' # defines the navigation icon
From local storage
{{< video src="ausweisapp2vorstellung.mp4#center" >}}
From htw mediathek
{{< video_biblio_htw "<videohash>" >}}
{{< video_biblio_htw a370dd5bf53e1a262e65ac4e3b19c4c7.mp4 >}}
From youtube
{{< youtube qC5KtatMcUw >}}