The Fake Random package is a versatile random data generator that allows you to generate various types of realistic and randomized data.
You can install the package via npm:
npm install @ethico/fakerandom
Make sure you have Node.js installed.
Import the functions you need from the package using ES6 module syntax:
import {
} from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frColor()); // Output : Green
or You can use it in this way :
import fr from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(fr.frColor()); // Output : red
Generates a random integer within the specified range.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
min |
number | 0 | optional | The minimum value (including itself). |
max |
number | 100 | optional | The maximum value (including itself). |
example :
import { frInt } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frInt()); // Output: 7
console.log(frInt({ min: 22 })); // Output: 26
console.log(frInt({ max: 16 })); // Output: 13
console.log(frInt({ min: 3, max: 9 })); // Output: 5
Generates a random floating-point number within the specified range.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
min |
number | 0 | optional | The minimum value (including itself). |
max |
number | 1.0 | optional | The maximum value (including itself). |
precision |
number | 4 | optional | The number of decimal places. |
example :
import { frFloat } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frFloat()); // Output: 7.3433
console.log(frFloat({ min: 3, max: 9 })); // Output: 5.3343
Generates a random phone number.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
digit |
number | 10 | optional | The number of digits in the phone number without country code. |
countryCode |
string | "+880" | optional | The country code for the phone number. |
example :
import { frPhone } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frPhone()); // Output: +8802312345467
console.log(frPhone({ digit: 4 })); // Output: +8802645
console.log(frPhone({ digit: 4, countryCode: +99 })); // Output: +991423
Generates a random color.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
code |
string | "color" | optional | The color code format to generate. Possible values are "color" (name), "rgb", and "hex". |
example :
import { frColor } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frColor()); // Output: red
console.log(frColor("color")); // Output: red
console.log(frColor("rgb")); // Output: rgb(0, 0, 255)
console.log(frColor("hex")); // Output: #66FF00
Generates a random email address.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
name |
string | A random fullname | optional | The name to be used in the email address. |
domain |
string | Random domain | optional | The email domain. |
example :
import { frEmail } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
// Output:
console.log(frEmail({ name: "Alice Bob" }));
// Output: [email protected]
console.log(frEmail({ name: "Alice Bob", domain: "" }));
// Output: [email protected]
example :
import { frIpAddress } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frIpAddress()); // Output:
Generates a random username. Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
name |
string | A random fullname | optional | The name to be used in the email address. |
example :
import { frUserName } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frUserName()); // Output: Alexbrown231
console.log(frUserName({ name: "Alice Bob" })); // Output: alice.bob.123
Generates a random full name.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
gender |
string | "male" | optional | The gender of the person. Possible values are "male" and "female". |
example :
import { frFullName } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frFullName()); // Output: Alex brown
console.log(frFullName("male")); // Output: Alen Brulord
console.log(frFullName("female")); // Output: Alice Benian
Generates a random first name.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
gender |
string | "male" | optional | The gender of the person. Possible values are "male" and "female". |
example :
import { frFirstName } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frFirstName()); // Output: Alex
console.log(frFirstName("female")); // Output: Alice
Generates a random last name.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
gender |
string | "male" | optional | The gender of the person. Possible values are "male" and "female". |
example :
import { frLastName } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frLastName()); // Output: Brown
console.log(frLastName("female")); // Output: Brunian
Generates a random country name.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
prefix |
string | "" | optional | The prefix of the country name. If provided, the generated country name will start with this letter. |
example :
import { frCountry } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frCountry()); // Output: Bangladesh
console.log(frCountry("Ne")); // Output: Nepal
console.log(frCountry("Can")); // Output: Canada
Generates a random address with block, street, city.
example :
import { frAddress } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frAddress()); // Output: 27/B,Madison Ave.,Shenzhen
Generates a random date within next 100 years or previous 100 years.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
type |
string | "future" | optional | The type of date to generate. Possible values are "future", "past", and "any". |
separator |
string | "/" | optional | The separator character to use between day, month, and year. |
example :
import { frDate } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frDate()); // Output: 24/08/2023
console.log(frDate({ type: "past" })); // Output: 24/08/2000
console.log(frDate({ type: "future", seperator: "-" })); // Output: 24-08-2025
Generates a random credit card number.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
cardType |
string | "Visa" | optional | The type of credit card to generate. Possible values are "Visa", "Mastercard", "American Express", and "Discover". |
example :
import { frCreditCard } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frCreditCard()); // Output: 4200472352850769|01|2024|937
console.log(frCreditCard({ cardType: "American Express" })); // Output: 3779592616065|10|2024|722
Selects a random element from the provided array.
Options: An optional object with the following properties:
props | type | default | required | comment |
array |
string | [0] | optional | The array from which to select a random element. |
example :
import { frElement } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frElement()); // Output: 0
console.log(frElement([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])); // Output: 4
Generates a random boolean value (true or false).
example :
import { frBoolean } from "@ethico/fakerandom";
console.log(frBoolean()); // Output: true
console.log(frBoolean()); // Output: false
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the License file for details.
Contributions are welcome! Contact the author for contribution
For any inquiries or feedback, please reach out to Shariar Hasan at [email protected].