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wherewhere edited this page Apr 2, 2024 · 2 revisions


├─.NET Standard
│  ├─netstandard1.3
│  │  ├─NETStandard.Library
│  │  ├─System.Drawing.Primitives
│  │  └─System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument
│  ├─netstandard2.0
│  │  └─Microsoft.Bcl.HashCode
│  └─netstandard2.1
├─.NET Framework
│  ├─net2.0-client
│  │  └─LinqBridge
│  ├─net3.5-client
│  │  └─AsyncBridge
│  ├─net4.0-client
│  │  └─Microsoft.Bcl.Async
│  ├─net4.5
│  ├─net4.6.1
│  │  └─Microsoft.Bcl.HashCode
│  └─net4.8
│     └─Microsoft.Bcl.HashCode
├─.NET Framework Core
│  ├─netcore5.0
│  │  ├─System.Drawing.Primitives
│  │  ├─System.Net.Sockets
│  │  └─System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument
│  ├─uap10.0
│  │  ├─System.Drawing.Primitives
│  │  └─System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument
│  └─uap10.0.15138.0
│     └─Microsoft.Bcl.HashCode
└─.NET Core App
   │  ├─Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref
   │  └─System.Drawing.Common

API Differents

  • There are no **Async methods on .NET 2.0
  • Methods relative to WinRT only exist on UAP, -windows10.0.17763.x and greater
  • Methods relative to WinRT XAML only exist on UAP
  • Methods relative to System.Drawing.Common only exist on .NET Framework, -windows10.0.17763.x and greater
  • Methods relative to Span<T>, Memory<T> and IAsyncEnumerable<T> only exist on .NET Core App 3.0, .NET Standard 2.1 and greater
  • Methods relative to UnixFileMode only exist on .NET Core App 7.0 and greater
  • Methods relative to IProgress<T> not exist below .NET Framework 4.0

Target Choosing

Projects Using Nuget

Just choose by nuget.

PM> Install-Package AdvancedSharpAdbClient

Projects Copy DLL

  • .NET 2.0 - .NET 4.5
    • Choose net2.0-client with copy AdvancedSharpAdbClient.dll and LinqBridge.dll
  • .NET 4.5 - .NET 4.8.1
    • Choose net4.5 with copy AdvancedSharpAdbClient.dll
  • .NET Core App 2.1 - .NET Core App 3.0
    • Choose netcoreapp2.1 with copy AdvancedSharpAdbClient.dll
  • .NET Core App 3.1 - .NET 5.0
    • Choose netcoreapp3.1 with copy AdvancedSharpAdbClient.dll
  • .NET 6.0 - .NET 7.0
    • Choose net6.0 with copy AdvancedSharpAdbClient.dll
  • .NET 8.0 - .NET 9.0
    • Choose net8.0 with copy AdvancedSharpAdbClient.dll
  • Otherwise
    • If you are working on other platform or want to use full feature, just create a C# project with the same platform. Install the nuget and build it. Then you will find out which dll should copy in bin\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\$(TargetFramework)\


Extension Description Author(s)
FrameBuffer Skia Extensions The extension for FrameBuffer to get SKBitmap @wherewhere
FrameBuffer Drawing Extensions The extension for FrameBuffer to get Bitmap @wherewhere
FrameBuffer WinRT Extensions The extension for FrameBuffer to get WriteableBitmap @wherewhere
FrameBuffer OpenCV Extensions The extension for FrameBuffer to get Mat @wherewhere
SyncService Folder Extensions The extension for SyncService to manage folder @wherewhere
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