General Golang backend server designed to be generally extensible for building web apps. See content_server directory for bulk of functionality.
User creation, authentication and login
- Highly secure thanks to JWT and PostgreSQL
- Safe, secret password storage with bcrypt password hashing
- OAuth coming soon
Dynamic Table Rendering
- Extremely flexible table customization, suitable for analytics applications.
- Items per page
- Number of page buttons
- Data model
- Headers
- Columns & SQL queries
- Display
- Custom divs for each cell type
- Very clean, modular codebase for easy maintenance and extension
- Filters and UI resizing/interaction coming soon
Single Page Application
- Fast and responsive pages thanks to partial page loading with HTMX AJAX
- Flexible and easy to maintain with templated html component responses for dynamic rendering and modular codebase
- Responsive page design with Tailwind CSS
- Interactive elements with javascript and alpine.js
Interactive graphs coming soon (with charts.js)
- Front end
- windmill-dashboard-master template
- htmx
- alpine.js
- Back end
- golang
- echo
- postgres
- python (for model serving)
chmod +x
# starts postgres instance, builds tables, populates sample data
go build
- Table filters, resizing, etc (UI, already have back end)
- Use invisible div to keep track of current table filters? Or a form?
- OAuth
- Google, GitHub
- File download
- Need download tableCell
- Add S3 support
- ChatGPT prompting microservice
- Standardizing error alerts better
- Reorganizing code
- https & nginx
- docker-compose for whole project
- cloudformation for whole project