A chat for when you just don't have the time to look around
glimpse is a chat application developed for the purpose of wanted a simple chat app that doesn't overwhelm the user with too many unnecessary features.
Unlike our competitors, glimpse is not filled with random vanilla text throughout the app and it is very easy and gets straight to the point. Adding and joining chatrooms will never be this easy!
With this app, users will be able to create and account and create or join existing chatrooms with a just click of a button.
To use this application, user will need to clone this repo onto their system then run the following lines into the terminal, 'npm i', 'npm run start'. Afterwards, the server will now run live and you can you visit it via http://localhost:3000
Alternatively, you can access our application via Heroku at https://glimpse-chat.herokuapp.com/
Backend testing was done though Apollo graphql.
Frontend testing was done locally via Google Chrome.
For an easier testing experience, a dummy email and password is provided.
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: 12345678
If there are any questions about our application, please feel free to email any of us.
This website was created with the collaboration of 5 hard working students that are currently enrolled in the Northwestern Full Stack coding bootcamp. These students helped oversee each line of code inorder to make sure everything had a purpose and or was fully functioning.
A big special thanks to Alex, Brendon, Bobbee, David, and Kaidan.
Checkout our GitHubs!
- https://github.com/anguyen780
- https://github.com/JBrendon15
- https://github.com/bobbeekethdy1025
- https://github.com/methyl8
- https://github.com/Shengaero
Thank you for taking the time to read this.