As the name suggests, well, It is a script for Modifiying/Changing original MAC Addresses of Network Interfaces!
As this script is implemented using some Modules of Python requiring higher version of Python Interpreter, hence Python 2.7.18 or higher is Required!
Operating System must be Only Linux(Any Distro!)
Script will be updated soon to support MS Windows too!
Also, You need to be SuperUser to run this script. Remember That!
- This Script need only one module to perform its functions efficiently, PyFiglet
To install this module, see steps in Installation Section
Open bash terminal and enter these commands one by one : -
sudo su
git clone
pip install pyfiglet
chmod +x
# Prints a HELP message for how to use the script
./MAC_Address_Modifier --help
Output :
Usage: usage [options] arguments
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Enter Interface Name
-m NEW_MAC, --new-mac=NEW_MAC
Enter new MAC Address
-s Show Current MAC_Address(s)
# Use ./MAC_Address_Modifier -s first for listing all network interfaces name, then use this command:-
./MAC_Address_Modifier -i eth1 -m 00:22:33:44:55:66
Output :
[*] Modifying MAC_Address of eth1 to 00:22:33:44:55:66...
[*] Restarting Network Services...
[+] MAC_Address of eth1 has been successfully changed to 00:22:33:44:55:66
[+] Done
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.