The Cleaned-Data.csv is the symptoms checker data set, which contains symptoms, location, etc.
The test.csv and train.csv files are the data we extract from the Cleaned-Data.csv file. We only keep symptoms and the class.
The Covid19-dataset is the chest X-ray image data, which contains test folder and train folder. And each folder has 3 classes: Covid, Normal and Viral Pneumonia.
The preprocessing.ipynb contains how we clean the data and PCA analysis for training data.
The symptoms_data.ipynb contains building logistic regression with L2 regularization, Decision tree and SVM(primal) on the Symptoms Checker data set. Also with analysis with results.
The image_data.ipynb contains building VGG16 and SVM(dual) on chest X-ray data set. Also with analysis with results.
The file is the file we write our own decision tree classifier.
The test_outputs.csv file is the result of classification from file.