This software might be considered as a "self-bot", which is against Discord Terms of Service. Use at your own risk!
- Download & install Python 3
- Clone or download this project
- Create a .env file.
- Put this in your .env file
TOKEN=[your Discord token*]
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=[Twilio Account SID. Can be found here:]
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=[Twilio Authentification Token. Can be found here:]
PHONE_NUMBER=[Your phone number. e.g. +15551234567 / +33612345678]
- Open config.json and edit configuration file
- Run this in your command prompt:
py -3 -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
- Keep your command prompt open and run this
- You're good to go! If you enabled notifications in config.json, a voice should tell you that your account is being monitored.
*To get your token, please check on Google for instructions. Make sure the instructions are safe.
This project uses:
- by Rapptz
- Twilio
- python-dotenv by bbc & theskumar
- pygame