Live link of our Project:
- This is a Inventory Shop clientside Website.
- People can purchase their products by using the "bag" button, and they can also view their products by using the "eye" button.
- People will be able to view their added products by clicking on the navbar's "bag" button, and they will have the option to proceed to checkout. However, please note that these functionalities are currently under construction.
- People can access their private addtobag products by clicking the navbar's "bag" button. To do so, they must sign up first if they haven't already. Once signed up, they can log in using their email and password. Additionally, users have the option to log in with their Google account by clicking the "Log in with Google" button.
- Use Vite React as a Library .
- Use Tailwind and daisy Ui as a css framework for Design our website.
- Use inventoryiteams.json as our backend data.
- Created Context api for addtobag iteams and Login and Signup.
- Use react-sidebar for sideabr navigation.
- Use React-Toastify to show notifications.
- Use firebase for login,signup auth and hosting website.
- Add Map using google Maps Embed API.