The application should have the following features:
- User authentication: Users should be able to register, log in, and log out of the application.
- Image upload: Users should be able to upload images to the application. Each image should have a title, description, and category.
- Image search: Users should be able to search for images by title, description, or category. The search results should display the images along with their title, description, and category.
- Image gallery: Users should be able to view all the uploaded images in a gallery format. Each image in the gallery should display its title, description, and category.
- Image detail page: Users should be able to click on an image in the gallery to view its details, including its title, description, category, and the user who uploaded it.
Here are some additional requirements and constraints:
- The application should be built using the Django web framework and the PostgreSQL database.
- The application should follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
- The application should be hosted on a web server, such as Heroku or AWS.
- The application should be secure and protect against common web application vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.
The application should have a clean and user-friendly interface.
Your team can use their knowledge of Python, Django, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to implement this use case. They will need to work together to design the database schema, create the models, views, and templates, and write the necessary scripts to deploy the application to a web server.
The application should have the following features:
- User authentication: Users should be able to register, log in, and log out of the application.
- To-do list creation: Users should be able to create a to-do list with a title and description.
- To-do item creation: Users should be able to add items to their to-do lists. Each item should have a title, description, and due date.
- To-do item completion: Users should be able to mark a to-do item as complete.
- To-do list editing: Users should be able to edit the title and description of their to-do lists.
- To-do item editing: Users should be able to edit the title, description, and due date of their to-do items.
- To-do list deletion: Users should be able to delete their to-do lists.
- To-do item deletion: Users should be able to delete their to-do items.
Here are some additional requirements and constraints:
- The application should be built using the Django web framework and the SQLite database.
- The application should follow the Model-View-Template (MVT) architectural pattern.
- The application should be hosted on a web server, such as Heroku or AWS.
- The application should be secure and protect against common web application vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.
- The application should have a clean and user-friendly interface.
Your team can use their knowledge of Python, Django, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to implement this use case. They will need to work together to design the database schema, create the models, views, and templates, and write the necessary scripts to deploy the application to a web server.
The application should have the following features:
- User authentication: Users should be able to register, log in, and log out of the application.
- Blog creation: Users should be able to create a blog with a title, description, and cover image.
- Blog post creation: Users should be able to create posts for their blog. Each post should have a title, content, and image(s).
- Blog post editing: Users should be able to edit the title, content, and image(s) of their blog posts.
- Blog post deletion: Users should be able to delete their blog posts.
- Blog post commenting: Users should be able to comment on blog posts.
- Blog post liking: Users should be able to like or dislike blog posts.
- Blog post sharing: Users should be able to share blog posts on social media platforms.
- Blog search: Users should be able to search for blog posts by title or content.
Here are some additional requirements and constraints:
- The application should be built using the Django web framework and the PostgreSQL database.
- The application should follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
- The application should be hosted on a web server, such as Heroku or AWS.
- The application should be secure and protect against common web application vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.
- The application should have a clean and user-friendly interface.
Your team can use their knowledge of Python, Django, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to implement this use case. They will need to work together to design the database schema, create the models, views, and templates, and write the necessary scripts to deploy the application to a web server.
1. Functionality: Does the application meet all of the requirements outlined in the use case? Is the application bug-free and does it perform all functions smoothly?
2. Code quality: Is the code well-organized and easy to understand? Are appropriate comments used to describe functions and classes? Is the code clean, free of redundancies, and well-structured?
3. Best practices: Does the team use best practices when writing the code, such as adhering to Django conventions, following the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle, and using Git version control?
4. Security: Is the application secure and protected against common web application vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection? Has the team implemented measures such as data validation, password encryption, and CSRF protection?
5. User interface (UI) and user experience (UX): Is the UI clean, professional, and easy to navigate? Does the application have a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes? Are appropriate user feedback messages and error messages displayed throughout the application?
6. Testing: Has the team performed appropriate testing to ensure the application functions as expected? Are tests automated and integrated into the development process?
7. Deployment: Has the team successfully deployed the application to a web server, such as Heroku or AWS? Are there any issues related to deployment, such as performance or scalability?