Releases: Simon1511/android_kernel_samsung_universal7880
Releases · Simon1511/android_kernel_samsung_universal7880
riseKernel v1.11
riseKernel v1.10
-Corrected voltage ranges for GPU and CPU voltage control
-Reverted lineage's kernel changes and A720SKSU5CUJ2 merge as they broke deep sleep
-Added a survival script for the kernel to stay installed after lineage's OTA updates
riseKernel v1.9
-AOSP 12 support (Lineage 19)
-Switched to AOSP GCC
-Abort installation if ROM's Android version is newer than the kernel's
riseKernel v1.8
- Merged latest A720SKSU5CUJ2
- Merged latest kernel changes from LineageOS and Google kernel/common
riseKernel v1.7
- Set Enforcing for Lineage 18.1 since SePolicy has been written for some time already
- Merged latest kernel changes from LineageOS (including ones for Xbox One and PS4 controllers)
- Added a missing error message for users running a non-treble ROM while still having treble files in their /vendor partition
- Picked a missing patch for FB notifier callback and enabled it globally
- Small misc stuff
riseKernel v1.6
-Added AOSP 11 and Treble 11 support
-Enabled power efficient workqeue
-Improved installation script
-Added input boost and fingerprint boost
-Added devfreq voltage control
riseKernel v1.5
- Updated to latest A720SKSU5CTL2 kernel release
- Updated to Linux 3.18.140 (thanks to @Option58)
- Combined source of AOSP, Treble and OneUI kernel
- Added a version with support for OneUI 2.X
- Removed support for AOSP Pie, use v1.4-1 if you need it
- Made zSwap use only LZ4 as compression method
- Added a workaround that prevents Magisk mount leakage (Not my own workaround)
- Updated UKSM and disabled it by default
- Enabled CPU bandwidth control (CFS_BANDWIDTH) for OneUI as it's expected to be enabled