This tool is a quick and dirty proof of concept base on facebook SAM intended to be used with coco-annotator ( to automate mask creation when labeling image.
Install python depencies:
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Download SAM model:
Start coco-annotator and connect to coco-annotator.
Create a new category named sam (or modify this line in to get annotation mask on another category --> "name": "sam",)
Add "sam" category to the dataset you want.
Click "Image Settings" button
Modify "Annotate API" field: http://localhost:8000/
Click Close button
Click on "Annotate Image" button
All masks and annotations will be created under "sam" Category
As SAM can't predict mask class, you will have to handle each annotation manually to change Category or delete Annotations.
- Filter Masks by score
- Modify DEXTR button (or add a SAM button using the same code) and modify to handle the same endpoints than for DEXTR.(In this mode, you would only have to point object you want to annotate.