A bag of tricks
This release features a rather big amount of new features and bug fixes. The changes shouldn't be breaking, but as always, test before using.
- Added support for default values, to reduce amount of conditional blocks needed in scripts
- Added support for ternary operations (sort of)
- Added conditions for checking whether blocks are solid, flammable or transparent
- Added conditions for checking whether items are edible
- Added support for using expressions in command permission message (closes #652)
- Added conditions for checking if a string starts or ends with given string
- Added an expression to get all enchantments of an item (relates #1234)
- Added a way to get ping of a player
- Added expressions to get server TPS values, available only on some server platforms
- Added support for getting and setting players' current hotbar slots
- Added support for Bukkit's block metadata (warning: not saved when the server restarts)
- Added support for filtering lists (experimental, subject to change!)
- Added a trigger for flight toggles
- Fixed numbers between two integers not working when the first integer is larger (thanks @TheLimeGlass, closes #97)
- Fixed a regression that caused recursive function returns not to work
- Fixed an issue that might have crashed updater on Java 11
- Fixed some broken links in the documentation
- Fixed a bug that caused 'item of' from previous release to not work for anything but item frames
- Fixed cancelling right click events not working in some cases (closes #290)
- Fixed a bug causing replace effect not to work when replacing in multiple strings (closes #1248)
- Fixed a bug that mixed lists with other variables (#1262)
- Fixed potential null safety issues with inventory click events (closes #1207)
- Fixed a potential chat crash on 1.8
- Fixed options not being parsed in function declarations (closes #1230)
- Fixed an exception caused by unspecified parrot type (closes #1273)
- Removed command for old Skript timings, which were replaced more than a year ago
- Moved Skript under a Github organization SkriptLang, and updated some of the links to point there