Example sketch for sending commands to the DFPlayer Mini usning Uno without using external libraries.
To send a command to the module, follow specific format:
Mark - Byte - Byte description
$SB - 0x7E - Start byte
VB - 0xFF - Version byte
LB - 0xxx - The number of bytes of the command without start and end bytes (In our case 0x06)
CMD - 0xxx - Such as PLAY and PAUSE and so on
ACK - 0xxx - Acknowledge byte 0x00 = not ack, 0x01 = ack
DATA1 - 0xxx - Data high byte
DATA2 - 0xxx - Data low byte
CHKS1 - 0xxx - Checksum high byte
CHKS2 - 0xxx - Checksum low byte
$EB - 0xEF - End byte
We used acknowledge byte equal to 0x01 to get the reponse from the module
The sketch is tested with the DFPlayer mini module:
In the loop() function we are waiting for a letter to be sent from the Serial Monitor. If you send one of the letters from the loop() function, a specific function will be executed.
When you send commands to the DFPlayer Mini module, the output in the Serial Monitor should look like the output on the following image:
We implemented the most usefull functions for DFPlayer Mini module, but not all of them. You can read about module and exmplanation for parts of the sketch in the eBook: