Given any number of waypoints as (x,y,theta) polar coordinates, use the wheel encoders and localization to determine the robots current position, and navigate to it's goal using a PID Controller
Begin tracking the wheel encoders at the (0,0) position
Encoder wheel distance tracking:
// update the distance traveled by each wheel
sLeftT1 += (countsLeftT1 - countsLeftT2) * DIST_PER_TICK;
sRightT1 += (countsRightT1 - countsRightT2) * DIST_PER_TICK;
// get change of current and previous distance traveled
sLeftDelta = sLeftT1 - sLeftT2;
sRightDelta = sRightT1 - sRightT2;
Once encoder data has been updated, update the robots current position
Distance formula
For our usage we will implement
// get linear distance
currentGoalDistance = sqrt(sq(xGoal - x) + sq(y - yGoal));
Well not really. More so a P controller (proportional error).
Set the error in radians by using arctan
to compare current angle vs the goal.
currentError = theta - atan2(yGoal - yPos, xGoal - xPos);
PIDCorrection = KP * currentError;
Purchase Pololu 3pi+ OLED Robot from pololu
Pull and explore pololu git repository and add as a project dependency.
Pololu Usage
#include <Pololu3piPlus32U4.h>
using namespace Pololu3piPlus32U4;
Buzzer buzzer;
Motors motors;
Encoders encoders;