A wall following PID algorithm for Pololu 3pi+ OLED Robot
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Purchase Pololu 3pi+ OLED Robot from pololu.com
- Max Range: 4m
- Min Range: 2cm
- Ranging Accuracy: 3mm
- Measuring Angle: 15 degree
- Operating Voltage: DC 5V
- Operating Current: 15mA
- Operating Frequency: 40KHz
- Trigger Input Signal: 10µS TTL pulse
- Dimensions: 45 x 20 x 15mm
- Dimensions: 23 x 12.2 x 29mm.
- Working voltage: 3V – 6V
- Operating speed: 0.12second/ 60degree ( 4.8V no load )
- Stall Torque (4.8V): 1.5kg/cm – Operable Temperature range: -30 to +60
- Dead band width: 7usec – Rotary Angle: 180° – Temperature range: -30 to +60 – Servo Cable Length: 250mm.
- Weight: 9g/each.
- Gear/Case Type: plastic/plastic.
- 25 hole Micro Breadboard (1)
- 100 uf Capacitor (1)
- Male-Male 10cm jumper wires (3)
- Fenale-Male 10 cm jumper wires (4)
- Rechargeable AAA Batteries (4)