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Beta version 0.6

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@SlithyMatt SlithyMatt released this 02 Jun 04:09
· 15 commits to master since this release

This beta release will only work with the R37 emulator and contains the following files:

  • CHASVALT.PRG - Program that needs to be loaded by BASIC. Simply LOAD "CHASVALT.PRG" then RUN, or auto-run with the emulator from this directory: path/to/x16emu -prg CHASVALT.PRG -run
  • TILEMAP.BIN - 128x128 map of 16x16 tiles, loaded by program to VRAM
  • LOADMAP.BIN - Small tile map for load screen
  • SPRITES.BIN - 16x16 4bpp sprite frames, loaded by program to VRAM
  • TILES.BIN - 16x16 4bpp tiles, loaded by program to VRAM
  • PAL.BIN - custom palette, loaded by program to VERA register
  • SPRTATTR.BIN - initial sprite attributes, loaded by program to VERA registers
  • STARTBG.BIN - start screen background bitmap, loaded by program directly to VRAM at start
  • BITMAP.BIN - game level background bitmap, loaded by program to banked RAM at start, then replaces STARTBG.BIN in VRAM after start
  • NORMX.BIN - vector normalization X-value lookup table, loaded by program to banked RAM
  • NORMY.BIN - vector normalization Y-value lookup table, loaded by program to banked RAM
  • MUSIC.BIN - music for YM2151 FM synthesizer
  • WINMUSIC.BIN - music for winners only

Issues Fixed:
#6 - Load screen added
#7 - YM2151 writes now wait for chip to be ready
#9 - Joystick now works correctly

Known Issues:
#5 - Will not work on real hardware with R37 ROM. Fixes here have been made in anticipation of in-development ROM fixes to work for next release.