Autosubsync is a cli tool for syncing subtitles to video files. Currently this project is in Beta.
See below for usage instructions.
- FFmpeg installed. Installable via package manager on most Linux distributions. On Windows see: FFmpeg has to be on the system path!
- You need an Google Speech API key for this tool. Check this quickstart how to set this up:
You can provide the Google Speech API key file via the standard environment variable:
Or you can pass it as an commandline variable, for example:
--keyfile=config/speech_auth.json (See below)
You can install autosubsync with:
npm install autosubsync -g
If you get errors about permissions on Linux based OS's:
npm install autosubsync -g --unsafe-perm
autosubsync <videoFile> [srtFile]
Synchronize subtitles with video file.
videoFile Video file. Can also be a glob, like: dir/video*.mkv
srtFile SRT file. If not specified it tries to search for SRT files next to
the video file.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--runCount, -r Number of runs with different positions in the
video file to try matching subtitles
[number] [default: 1]
--seekPercentage, -s Seek percentage (0.00 - 1.00) in video file to
start matching [number] [default: 0]
--duration, -d Max duration of syncing in seconds
[number] [default: 60]
--minWordMatchCount, -c Minimum words to match [number] [default: 4]
--matchTreshold, -t Treshold percentage for matching sentences in
range 0.00 - 1.00 [number] [default: 0.8]
--overwrite, -o Overwrite original subtitle file
[boolean] [default: false]
--postfix, -p Postfix used to name synced subtitles, for
example: xxx.en.<postfix>.srt
[string] [default: "synced"]
--verbose, -v Enable verbose logging
[boolean] [default: false]
--logLevel, --log Set log level [string] [default: "info"]
--dryRun, --dr Disable writing to file
[boolean] [default: false]
--language, -l Override SRT file language, otherwise
auto-detect from filename
[string] [default: "en"]
--speechApiKeyFile, --keyfile Google speech API key file [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--config Path to JSON config file