Just useful library for my plugins and for you if you need :)
You must install SKLibrary plugin
on your server to use this library in your plugin.
You can download it from the releases page or
compile it from sources by instruction below.
See instruction for compiling plugin JAR from sources below.
Instruction presented for Linux systems, but compiling process for Windows is similar.
You must have installed Maven 3
and JDK 8
(or above, but it isn't been tested).
- Download sources using
git clone https://github.com/SoKnight/SKLibrary.git sklibrary
- Go to repository output folder using
cd sklibrary
- Compile JAR from sources using
mvn clean package
- Go to maven output folder using
cd target
- See the compiled
To use my library in your project you need add Jitpack repository and the library as project dependency.
See instruction for Maven below. I don't use Gradle, so I can't post instructions for it here.
Add Maven repository:
Add SKLibrary dependency:
<!-- SKLibrary -->