Releases: SocioPatterns/openbeacon-ng
Releases · SocioPatterns/openbeacon-ng
Varallo Pombia
Tag firmware
- fixes a few rare issues triggered by high-density situations
- streamlines error handling in the compressed logging routines
- fails gracefully in the rare cases when the compression rate is exceptionally low and the flash log buffer overflows
- robustness against an issue with heatshrink when the encoder overflows the output buffer
- allows to separately specify log block full threshold & compression chunk size at compile time
- gracefully handle failures in flash_log_write() when forcing a flush of the compressed stream
- introduces separate compile-time switches for motion detection and accelerometer-based sleep
Host software
- adds openbeacon-json to dump a JSON stream to stdout (forked from openbeacon-rx)
- adds openbeacon-mqtt to publish received packets as JSON objects to an MQTT broker (using libmosquitto)
- reports reader timestamp, reader ID and packet AES signature in published JSON message
- publishes info on packets with decryption errors to a separate MQTT topic
Feral Cat
This release adds:
- AT45D flash chip library (standard 264-byte page modality)
- proximity logging to flash (switchable at compile time)
- flash log compression using the Heatshrink library (switchable at compile time)
- dumping of flash log to serial port as a base64/uuencoded file
- low-frequency status logging to flash
- tag hibernation maintaining RTC clock
- keypress to hibernate & wake-up tag, to dump flash log to serial, to erase flash
- RTC clock initialization via J-Link programmer and proximity packets
- programmable (at compile time) sequence of proximity TX power levels
It modifies:
- proximity protocol: now we transmit proximity TX power (and no longer transmit protocol byte)
- tracker protocol: now we only transmit epoch time (and no longer transmit angle, voltage, etc.)
- status protocol: packets now contain voltage / accelerometer / flash log / error information