Softheon Forms provides Angular developers pre defined form components so developers can quickly create forms in their web applications.
npm install --save @softheon/forms@latest
<link rel="stylesheet" ref="">
import { SofNameModule, SofAddressModule } from '@softheon/forms';
imports: [SofNameModule, SofAddressModule]
export class MyAppModule { }
Alternatively, you can create a separate NgModule that imports all of the Angular Material components that you will use in your application. Then you can include this module wherever you'd like to use the components.
import { SofNameModule, SofAddressModule } from '@softheon/forms';
imports: [SofNameModule, SofAddressModule],
exports: [SofNameModule, SofAddressModule]
export class MyCustomSoftheonFormsModule { }
is a component used to wrap several Softheon inputs together which allows a user to enter their address.
import { SofAddressModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
address: Address |
The address model. | Yes | Null |
required: boolean |
Whether the address is required. | No | True |
streetRequired: boolean |
Whether the street address is required. Overrides required property. | No | Null |
zipRequired: boolean |
Whether the zip code is required. Overrides the required property. | No | Null |
id: string |
ID used to differentiate a component when multiple instances appear on the same page. | No | '' |
readonly: boolean |
Whether the component should be readonly. | No | False |
showStreetName2: boolean |
Whether to show Apt./Ste. input. | No | False |
disableState: boolean |
Whether to disable the state. | No | False |
defaultState: string |
The default state. | No | Null |
showZipCodeExt: boolean |
Whether to allow zip code to be greater than 5 digits. | No | True |
justZip: boolean |
Whether only the zip code field should be shown. | No | False |
street1Placeholder: string |
Placeholder text for street 1 | No | Street |
street2Placeholder: string |
Placeholder text for street 2 | No | Apt./Ste. # |
cityPlaceholder: string |
Placeholder text for city | No | City |
zipCodePlaceholder: string |
Placeholder text for city | No | Zip Code |
import { Address } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description |
streeName1: string |
The first line of the street address. |
streetName2: string |
The second line of the street address. |
cityName: string |
The name of the city where the address is located. |
stateCode: string |
The two letter USPS State Code. |
zipCode: string |
The full five or nine digit zip code |
import { SofAlertModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
text: string |
The alert message to display. | Yes | Null |
show: boolean |
Whether the alert message should be shown. | No | True |
align: string |
The HTML alignment of the component. Can be left, center, or right. | No | center |
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
import { SofCurrencyModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
id: string |
ID used to differentiate a component when multiple instances appear on the same page. | No | '' |
value: string |
The currency model | Yes | Null |
valueChange: EventEmitter<string> |
The currency amount output event emitter | No | EventEmitter<string> |
required: boolean |
Whether the currency component is required. | No | True |
prefix: string |
What to display before the amount. | No | '$' |
suffix: string |
What to display after the amount. | No | '' |
includeThousandsSeparator: boolean |
Whether or not to separate thousands. | No | True |
thousandsSeparatorSymbol: string |
Character with which to separate thousands. | No | ',' |
allowDecimal: boolean |
Whether to allow the user to enter a fraction with the amount. | No | True |
decimalSymbol: string |
Character that will act as a decimal point. | No | . |
decimalLimit: number |
How many digits to allow after the decimal. | No | 2 |
integerLimit: number |
Limit the maximum currency amount. Set to null for no limit. | No | Null |
requireDecimal: boolean |
Whether to always include a decimal point and placeholder for decimal digits after the integer. | No | False |
allowNegative: boolean |
Whether to allow negative numbers. | No | False |
allowLeadingZeroes: boolean |
Whether to allow leading zeroes. | No | False |
placeHolder: string |
The placeholder text for the input. | No | Amount |
is a component used for creating an input that allows a user to select a date using a calendar.
import { SofDatePickerModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
date: Date |
The Date model. | Yes | Null |
required: boolean |
Whether the date is required. | No | True |
id: string |
ID used to differentiate a component when multiple instances appear on the same page. | No | '' |
placeholder: string |
Placeholder text for the date picker input. | Yes | Null |
maxDate: Date |
The maximum date the date picker should allow. | No | Null |
minDate: Date |
The minimum date the date picker should allow. | No | Null |
startAt: Date |
The date the date picker should start with. | No | Null |
Coming Soon
is a component used to wrap several Softheon inputs together which allows a user to enter their full name.
import { SofNameModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
name: Name |
The Name model. | Yes | Null |
required: boolean |
Whether first and last name should be required. | No | True |
id: string |
ID used to differentiate a component when multiple instances appear on the same page. | No | '' |
showMiddle: boolean |
Whether middle name should be shown. | No | True |
showSuffix: boolean |
Whether suffix should be shown. | No | True |
suffixOptions: Suffix[] |
Array of suffixes to choose from. | No | Suffix |
Name | Description |
firstName: string |
The first name. |
middleName?: string |
The middle name. |
lastName: string |
The last name. |
suffix?: Suffix |
The suffix. |
export enum Suffix {
Jr = "Jr.",
Sr = "Sr.",
Ii = "II",
Iii = "III",
Iv = "IV"
is a component used to collect a user's phone number with options to include phone type, calling code and extension code as well.
import { SofPhoneNumberModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
phoneNumber: PhoneNumber |
The phone number model. | Yes | Null |
required: boolean |
Whether the phone number is required. | No | True |
id: string |
ID used to differentiate a component when multiple instances appear on the same page. | No | '' |
showPhoneType: boolean |
Whether to ask for the phone type. | No | True |
showCallingCode: boolean |
Whether to ask for the calling code. | No | False |
showExtensionCode: boolean |
Whether to show the extension code. | No | True |
placeholder: string |
The placeholder text for the input. | No | 'Phone Number' |
placeholderExt: string |
The placeholder text for the extension code. | No | 'Extension Code' |
placeholderType: string |
The place older text for the phone type. | No | 'Phone Type' |
This is the model for the phone number input. It includes the phone type, calling code, phone number and extension code.
Name | Description |
type: PhoneType |
The type of phone number. Usually can be work, mobile or home. |
callingCode: string |
The calling code for the phone number. I.e. U.S.A is 1. |
callingCodeName: string |
The country name for the calling code. |
number: string |
The phone number. |
extensionCode: string |
The extension code. |
Name | Description |
getCleanPhoneNumber(): string |
Removes any paranthesis, hyphens, or spaces from the phone number. I.e. (012) 345-6789 => 0123456789 |
Enumeration of phone types:
export enum PhoneType {
import { SofRelationshipModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
id: string |
ID used to differentiate a component when multiple instances appear on the same page. | No | '' |
relationshipConst: string |
Relationship category to use. Can be either family, legal or tax. | No | family |
required: boolean |
Whether relationship input is required. | No | False |
relationshipOptions: Relationship[] |
Array of available relationship options. | No | [] |
isSpouse: boolean |
Whether the applicant is a spouse. | No | False |
relationship: Relationship |
The relationship model. | Yes | Null |
relationshipChange: EventEmitter<Relationship> |
Event emitter for relationship change event. | No | EventEmitter<Relationship> |
This is the enumeration of all possible relationship options. Note you can define and pass your relationship options via the relationshipOptions property defined above.
export enum Relationship {
SPOUSE = 'Spouse',
PARENT = 'Parent',
SON_DAUGHTER = 'Son or Daughter',
GRANDCHILD = 'Grandchild',
SIBLING = 'Sibling',
DOMESTIC_PARTNER = 'Domestic Partner',
CHILD_OF_DOMESTIC_PARTNER = 'Child of Domestic Partner',
UNRELATED = 'Unrelated',
OTHER_RELATIVE = 'Other Relative',
STEP_PARENT = 'Step Parent',
AUNT_UNCLE = 'Aunt or Uncle',
NEPHEW_NIECE = 'Nephew or Niece',
GRANDPARENT = 'Grandparent',
FIRST_COUSIN = 'First Cousin',
PARENTS_DOMESTIC_PARTNER = 'Parent\'s Domestic Partner',
OTHER = 'Other',
BROTHER_IN_LAW_SISTER_IN_LAW = 'Sibling in law',
DAUGHTER_IN_LAW_SON_IN_LAW = 'Son or Daughter in law',
MOTHER_IN_LAW_FATHER_IN_LAW = 'Parent in law',
SPONSORED_DEPENDENT = 'Sponsored Dependent',
DEPENDENT_OF_A_MINOR_DEPENDENT = 'Dependent of Minor Dependent',
SELF = 'Self',
//legal specific
FOSTER_CHILD = 'Foster Child',
COURT_APPOINTED_GUARDIAN = 'Court Appointed Guardian',
ADOPTED_CHILD = 'Adopted Child',
FORMER_SPOUSE = 'Former Spouse',
FOSTER_PARENT = 'formerParent',
GUARDIAN = 'Guardian',
ANNUITANT = 'Annuitant',
TRUSTEE = 'Trustee',
WARD = 'Ward',
//Tax Specific
TAX_FILER = 'Tax Filer',
TAX_DEPENDENT = 'Tax Dependent',
COLLATERAL_DEPENDENT = 'Collateral Dependent',
// Other
NONE = 'None of these'
Array of all family relationships.
/** Enumeration for family relationships */
export const FamilyRelationships: Relationship[] = [
Array of all legal relationships.
export const LegalRelationships: Relationship[] = [
Array of all tax relationships.
export const TaxRelationships: Relationship[] = [
Helper class providing methods for relationship component.
Name | Description |
getCounterRelationship(relationship: Relationship) |
Gets the counter relationship for the given relationship. For example param = parent, return = child. |
is a component used to collect a user's social security number. It automatically supports masking the user's social security number as well.
import { SofSocialSecurityNumberModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
ssn: string |
The social security number model | Yes | Null |
required: boolean |
Whether the social security number should be required. | No | True |
id: string |
ID used to differentiate a component when multiple instances appear on the same page. | No | '' |
ssnChange: EventEmitter<string> |
Social security number change event emitter. | No | EventEmitter<string> |
Coming Soon
is a component used to display a frame around the given HTML content. It displays a green bar in the frame once the content inside the frame is valid.
import { SofStatusFrameModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
name: string |
The name to be displayed in the status frame title | No | Empty String |
status: string |
Status of the frame | No | complete, progress or edit |
valid: boolean |
Whether the content in the frame is valid | No | False |
showHeader: boolean |
Whether to show the header | No | True |
showStatus: boolean |
Whether to show the status based on form validity | No | True |
minimizable: boolean |
Whether the status frame component can be minimized/collapsed | No | False |
isMinimized: EventEmitter<boolean> |
Emits whether the status frame is minimized/collapsed | No | EventEmitter<boolean> |
import { SofYesNoQuestionModule } from '@softheon/forms';
Name | Description | Required | Default |
required: boolean |
Whether the question requires an answer. | No | True |
id: string |
ID used to differentiate a component when multiple instances appear on the same page. | No | '' |
label: string |
The question to ask. | Yes | Null |
tooltip: string |
The text to be displayed in the tool-tip. | No | Null |
yesText: string |
The text to display for the true option. | No | Yes |
noText: string |
The text to display for the false option. | No | No |
switchOrder: boolean |
If true, the false option will be shown first. | No | False |
hasUnknown: boolean |
Whether there should be an unkonwn option. | No | False |
booleanChange: EventEmitter<boolean> |
The boolean output event. | No | EventEmitter<boolean> |
unknownChange: EventEmitter<boolean> |
The unkonwn boolean output event. | No | EventEmitter<boolean> |
onChange: EventEmitter<boolean> |
Event to hook into on change events. | No | EventEmitter<boolean> |
You can import all of the directives listed below by importing the SofDirecteModule module or you can import the individual directives that you need.
import { SofDirectiveModule } from '@softheon/forms';
import { LettersOnlyDirective } from '@softheon/forms';
<input id="name" placeholder="Forst Name" [lettersOnly]="true"/>
import { NumberOfDigitsDirective } from '@softheon/forms';
<input id="ssn" placeholder="Social Security Number" [numberOfDigits]="9"/>
import { NumberOfDigitsRangeDirective } from '@softheon/forms';
/** The possible zip code length values */
public readonly zipCodeLengthRange: number[] = [5, 9];
<input id="zipCode" placeholder="Zip Code" [numberOfDigitsRange]="zipCodeLengthRange"/>
import { NumbersOnlyDirective } from '@softheon/forms';
<input id="zipCode" placeholder="Zip Code" [numbersOnly]="true"/>
import { ProvideParentFormDirective } from '@softheon/forms';
<form #theForm="ngForm">
<div provide-parent-form>