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Merge pull request #54 from SolaceProducts/DocsUpdate #19

Merge pull request #54 from SolaceProducts/DocsUpdate

Merge pull request #54 from SolaceProducts/DocsUpdate #19

Workflow file for this run

name: build
# Controls when the action will run.
# pull_request:
#- cron: "0 2 * * *"
name: OpenShift QuickStart CI test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 55
- name: Set env and tools
run: |
echo "TESTUSER=vagrant" >> $GITHUB_ENV # must exist
echo "TESTGCPMACHINE=openshift4x-test" >> $GITHUB_ENV # must exist
# Next command is commonly used to execute commands on the remote machine
remote_command='gcloud compute --project "capable-stream-180018" ssh --zone "us-east4-a" "${TESTUSER}@${TESTGCPMACHINE}" --quiet --command'
echo "REMOTE_COMMAND=${remote_command}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
sudo gem update --system 3.0.6
sudo gem install yaml-lint
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Cloud SDK
uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v0
project_id: ${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}
service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}
export_default_credentials: true
- name: Linting yaml files
run: |
yaml-lint -n templates/*.yaml
- name: Prep target runner VM
run: |
if gcloud compute instances describe ${TESTGCPMACHINE} --project "capable-stream-180018" --zone "us-east4-a" | grep status | grep RUNNING ; then
echo "Test machine is already running, likely in use. Unable to continue this test run, exiting"; echo "RUNCONFLICT=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV; exit 1
gcloud compute instances start ${TESTGCPMACHINE} --project "capable-stream-180018" --zone "us-east4-a"
rm ~/.ssh/google_compute_* || echo "GCP certs were clean"
sleep 10 # wait for ssh keys to propagate
gcloud compute --project "capable-stream-180018" ssh --zone "us-east4-a" --force-key-file-overwrite --quiet "${TESTUSER}@${TESTGCPMACHINE}" --quiet --command "rm -f /opt/scripts/*; rm -f /opt/templates/*" # cleanup remote directories
gcloud compute --project "capable-stream-180018" scp --zone "us-east4-a" --quiet templates/* "${TESTUSER}@${TESTGCPMACHINE}:/opt/templates" # Copy templates to remote
gcloud compute --project "capable-stream-180018" scp --zone "us-east4-a" --quiet ci/* "${TESTUSER}@${TESTGCPMACHINE}:/opt/scripts" # Copy scripts to remote
- name: Setup CodeReady Containers
run: |
shopt -s expand_aliases; alias remote_command=${REMOTE_COMMAND}
remote_command "chmod +x /opt/scripts/*" # ensure crc known start state
remote_command "/opt/scripts/shutdownCrc" || echo "crc was already stopped" # ensure crc known start state
remote_command "/opt/scripts/startCrc" # start crc
- name: Deploy HA broker and test, using Helm install
run: |
shopt -s expand_aliases; alias remote_command=${REMOTE_COMMAND}
remote_command "/opt/scripts/helmInstallBroker helmtest"
remote_command "/opt/scripts/testBroker helmtest my-release-pubsubplus-openshift-dev" | tee out.txt
grep "aurelia" out.txt # web portal access
grep "<redundancy-status>Up</redundancy-status>" out.txt
grep "<oper-status>Up</oper-status>" out.txt
grep 100000 out.txt # smf messaging
remote_command "/opt/scripts/helmDeleteBroker helmtest"
rm -f out.txt
- name: Deploy HA broker and test, using template install
run: |
shopt -s expand_aliases; alias remote_command=${REMOTE_COMMAND}
remote_command "/opt/scripts/templateInstallBroker templateha /opt/templates/eventbroker_ha_template.yaml"
remote_command "/opt/scripts/testBroker templateha my-release-pubsubplus" | tee out.txt
grep "aurelia" out.txt # web portal access
#grep "<redundancy-status>Up</redundancy-status>" out.txt
#grep "<oper-status>Up</oper-status>" out.txt
grep 100000 out.txt # smf messaging
remote_command "/opt/scripts/templateDeleteBroker templateha /opt/templates/eventbroker_ha_template.yaml"
- name: Deploy non-HA broker and test, using template install
run: |
shopt -s expand_aliases; alias remote_command=${REMOTE_COMMAND}
remote_command "/opt/scripts/templateInstallBroker templatenonha /opt/templates/eventbroker_singlenode_template.yaml"
remote_command "/opt/scripts/testBroker templatenonha my-release-pubsubplus" | tee out.txt
grep "aurelia" out.txt # web portal access
grep 100000 out.txt # smf messaging
remote_command "/opt/scripts/templateDeleteBroker templatenonha /opt/templates/eventbroker_singlenode_template.yaml"
rm -f out.txt
- name: Cleanup
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
shopt -s expand_aliases; alias remote_command=${REMOTE_COMMAND}
# Only touch the remote VM if not used by someone else
if [[ ${RUNCONFLICT} != true ]]; then
remote_command "/opt/scripts/shutdownCrc" || echo "Issues found with remote command"
gcloud compute instances stop ${TESTGCPMACHINE} --project "capable-stream-180018" --zone "us-east4-a"