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2. Electronics

MrSolidGeek edited this page Sep 5, 2017 · 11 revisions

The second part of building the remote is to assemble and test the electronics. This is the hardest part, as it involves a lot of soldering and wiring, however, if you follow the schematics and take your time, it's quite an entertaining task.

The first thing to do is to make sure you got everything you need. Here is a list of all needed electronics:

  • Two Arduino Nano
  • Two nRF24 modules (with PA and LNA)
  • One Hall Effect sensor (SS495A)
  • One OLED 128x32px display
  • One LiPo battery (3,7V 400mAh)
  • One boost converter (3V to 5V)
  • One LiPo charger
  • One tactile push button (12mm)
  • A small switch (a micro switch is ideal)
  • One USB-C connector
  • Two 3mm LED (different colors)
  • Some electrolytic capacitors (47-220 uF)
  • Some resistors (1-47 kOhm)
  • Some good wire (silicone wire 26-30 AWG)

Part 1: Power management

In the bottom half of the remote, there is room for a 25x35mm LiPo battery, a charger and boost converter. This is the first that needs to be assembled. I recommend assembling this outside the remote, as a hot soldering iron easily can melt your remote enclosure!

Part 2: Bottom shell wiring

Part 3: Top shell wiring

Part 4: Final assembly

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