Chart used to generate CronJobs for your cluster.
- values.yaml file used for installing with Helm w/ default entries.
- application.yaml file used with ArgoCD to automate management of the service.
- Make modifications to application.yaml file so it points to where you are storing your values.file.
- Install the application and wait for the service to appear.
kubectl apply -f application.yaml
- Modify the values.yaml file to suit your environment. You can store this values file locally or remotely in a private repository.
- Add service chart to Helm.
helm repo add solo-laboratories
- Install the service using Helm. Either leave out the
parameter OR change the value to match the CHART version you require.
helm upgrade --install cronjobs solo-laboratories/cronjob-collection -n cronjobs --create-namespace -f values.yaml --version 1.0.0 --atomic
helm upgrade --install cronjobs . -n cronjobs --create-namespace --atomic
Update the application file for the service to use the version you want OR modify the Application in the WebUI by editing the details of the Application and change the chart version to the version you want to upgrade to.
Replay the installation steps above.
Uninstalling the application file directly does not function currently. You have to navigate to the Application in the ArgoCD and delete the application from there. Select 'Foreground'(preferred) or 'Background' to remove the resources OR 'Non-cascading' if you wish to uninstall the application but leave the services there.
- Uninstall the chart using Helm.
helm uninstall cronjobs -n cronjobs