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Async notifications

Email notification with celery and administrative view for send email with delay e.g daily


  • Celery integration
  • Administrative view
  • Enqueued mail system and instantly send
  • Problems notification
  • User filter email
  • Template system with template context
  • Send to User, Group or external email
  • Django cms integration (djcms_async_notifications) and standalone.
  • Custom text area widget support
  • Allow send group mail list if it's defined.
  • Newsletter with model context, preview and extra email configuration


  1. Install from pip

    $ pip install async_notifications
  2. Add required apps in your settings **

  3. Add ajax_select urls in

    from django.conf.urls import url, include
    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'^async_notifications/', include('async_notifications.urls')),
  4. It's really important set CELERY_MODULE pointing to your project celery file, because it's needed for assing task to the current project, and configure some default celery options

    CELERY_MODULE = "demo.celery"
  5. Configure your email settings, e.g for development

    DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL="[email protected]"

# Copy celery app in your project folder from demo, and adjust the crontab execution

    # execute 12:30 pm
    'send_daily_emails': {
        'task': 'async_notifications.tasks.send_daily',
        'schedule': crontab(minute=30, hour=0),


Remember use demo/ to update your projectfolder/

  1. Run migrations

    $ python migrate

Runing the project

You need to run 3 subsystems for run this app so you need 3 xterm, for this explanation I will use the demo project

  1. Run smtp debug client

    $ python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
  2. Run celery, if you aren't setup celery yet see celery documentation.

    $ celery -A demo worker -l info -B
  3. Run django

    $ python runserver


Report your context template

from async_notifications.register import update_template_context
context = [
    ('fieldname', 'Field description'),
    ('fieldname2', 'Field description'),
update_template_context("yourcode",  'your email subject', context )

This automátically create a Email template if not found.

Context is list of tuples with the fields available in the template context, this context is add in the same file that have send_email_from_template

Using with django templates

update_template_context("yourcode",  'your email subject', context, 'templatepath.html', as_template=True )

Send dict as context is now available, but remember that you can not repit keys in dict so use with precaution.

Send an email :)

send_email_from_template(code, recipient,

Params description:

  • recipient is a list of emails
  • code is the same code register in update_template_context
  • enqueued if False send the email immediately else enqueued to be sent when send email task run.
  • user user how send email
  • upfile attached file in email

Other optional options

Adding context dummy object

When you need to pass a default template message base on template, but you have not the template object and also you need to write the object with django template sintaxis you can use DummyContextObject that return always something like {{ myobj.attr1.objattr }}

from async_notifications.register import update_template_context, DummyContextObject
context = [
    ('myobj', 'Field description'),
message = render_to_string('some/template.html',
                           'myobj': DummyContextObject('myobj')
update_template_context("yourcode",  'your email subject', context, message=message )

Newsletter email extra configuration

As recomendation install django-markitup and markdown to generate preview templates using django template system and configure ASYNC_NEWSLETTER_WIDGET to overwrite default text area editor in template newsletter.

If you want to incorporate custom email sender you can configure with ASYNC_NEWSLETTER_SEVER_CONFIGS

    'host': 'localhost',
    'port': '1025',
    'fail_silently': False,
    'backend': None,
    'from': 'From user <[email protected]>'
    'use_tls': True

Newsletter setup

In your app edit at the end of to register your model

register_model('app.model_label', model class, prefix='prefix used to include in template')
register_news_basemodel('app.model_label', Title, class manager)

To create a new manager you need to create a class like

from async_notifications.interfaces import NewsLetterInterface
class MembershipManager(NewsLetterInterface):
    name = name used to include in template
    model = Model
    form = Filter form class

Take a look to NewsLetterInterface to know what methods you need to overwrite

Django cms integration

This configuration could help you to integrate with Django CMS.

include in your INSTALLED_APPS:


Configure how models and field async_notifications will use, ej. aldryn_people

ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_GROUP = 'aldryn_people.Group'
    'order_by': 'translations__name',
    'email': 'email',
    'group_lookup': 'translations__name',
    'display': 'name',
    'filter': ['translations__name__icontains']}

ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_USER = 'aldryn_people.Person'

    'order_by': 'translations__name',
    'display': 'name',
    'filter': [
    'group_lookup': 'groups__translations__name'}


Django auth is used by default


CONTACT_PLUS_SEND_METHOD = 'async_notifications.djcms_async_notifications.contact_plus.send_email' ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_CONTACT_PLUS_EMAIL = 'email'


This requires special cmsplugin-contact-plus version, we send a PRs, but is not merged yet.

Default text area widget

For example using ckeditor widget

ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_TEXT_AREA_WIDGET = 'ckeditor.widgets.CKEditorWidget'


See how to configure CKEditor .

Extra settings configuration

  • ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_MAX_PER_MAIL default 40 mails per email
  • ASYNC_BCC include always email in BCC comma separed email (without spaces)
  • ASYNC_SEND_ONLY_EMAIL for testing send all email to this address
  • ASYNC_SMTP_DEBUG configure smtp debug for logs
  • ASYNC_TEMPLATES_NOTIFICATION path for save templates created in emails