This repository houses the B.Tech minor project aimed at automating the registration process within our college. The existing registration system has been traditional and time-consuming, prompting the development of a streamlined portal accessible to both administrators and students.
User Authentication: Students log in using their IIIT Pune college Gmail IDs, gaining access to their user profile and a comprehensive registration guide upon successful Google sign-up.
Registration Form Submission: Students are required to fill out a registration form, and the project incorporates multiple levels of verification (v1, v2, and v3). The process advances through each level sequentially.
Admin Portal: Administrators have access to various features, including student verification, statistical data visualization (overall statistics, charts comparing verified vs. pending, and rejected vs. verified cases).
Email Notification: Upon successful registration, students receive a welcome email.
The project prioritizes security and robustness by implementing isolation for each independent portal. To bypass protective measures, users must undergo verification and pass through multiple middlewares.
username: admin1
password: admin1
- Please utilize the provided username and password to access the features of V1Admin.
The technology stack for this project includes:
- Redis
- MongoDB
- Express
- Node.js
- Nodemailer
- Passport.js
- D3.js
- Chart.js
The primary motivation behind this project is to streamline and modernize the registration process for students at IIIT Pune, replacing the traditional and time-consuming methods with an efficient and user-friendly portal.
Feel free to explore the project and provide feedback or contribute to its development!