Release notes - SonarPython - 4.16
SONARPY-1685 Fix FP on S6742 when DataFrame class is not a pandas's library class
New Feature
SONARPY-1636 S6903: Using timezone aware "datetime"s should be preferred over using "datetime.datetime.utcnow" and "datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp"
SONARPY-1637 S6894: A date should be formatted correctly when using "pandas.to_datetime" with "dayfirst" or "yearfirst" arguments
SONARPY-1639 S6882: Constructor attributes of date and time objects should be in the range of possible values
SONARPY-1640 S6883: The 12-hour format should be used with the AM/PM marker, otherwise 24-hour format should be used
SONARPY-1643 S6900: Numpy weekmask should have a valid value
SONARPY-1644 Rule S6890: zoneinfo should be preferred to pytz when using Python 3.9 and later
SONARPY-1645 Rule S6887: pytz.timezone should not be passed to the datetime.datetime constructor