Proofable Connector for Oracle
$ npm install -g provendb-oracle
$ provendb-oracle COMMAND
running command...
$ provendb-oracle (-v|--version|version)
provendb-oracle/0.6.3 darwin-x64 node-v12.20.1
$ provendb-oracle --help [COMMAND]
$ provendb-oracle COMMAND
provendb-oracle anchor
provendb-oracle autocomplete [SHELL]
provendb-oracle help [COMMAND]
provendb-oracle history
provendb-oracle install
provendb-oracle monitor
provendb-oracle validate
Anchor one or more tables to the blockchain.
$ provendb-oracle anchor
-v, --verbose increased logging verbosity
--columns=columns columns to be included in the proof
--config=config config file location
--includeRowIds Include proofs for every row in the proof file
--includeScn Include SCN into rowid signature (create historical proof)
--keyColumn=keyColumn column to be used as key for the row data (default ROWID)
--tables=tables (required) tables to anchor
--validate=validate Validate the proof and output to file
--where=where WHERE clause to filter rows
Anchor reads the current state of selected table, filtered by an options WHERE
clause. Rows are hashed and anchored to the blockchain.
See code: src/commands/anchor.js
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ provendb-oracle autocomplete [SHELL]
SHELL shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
$ provendb-oracle autocomplete
$ provendb-oracle autocomplete bash
$ provendb-oracle autocomplete zsh
$ provendb-oracle autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
display help for provendb-oracle
$ provendb-oracle help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
List version history for a specific rows
$ provendb-oracle history
-v, --verbose increased logging verbosity
--config=config config file location
--proofOnly list Proofs only (noRowids)
--rowId=rowId row ID to fetch versions for
--tables=tables tablenames to include (username.tablename)
--where=where WHERE clause to filter rows
Show the rowids and optionally SCNs for which we have anchored proofs
See code: src/commands/history.js
Installs the ProvenDB for Oracle users and tables
$ provendb-oracle install
-v, --verbose increased logging verbosity
--config=config Create config file
--createDemoAccount Create the ProvenDB Demo account
--dbaPassword=dbaPassword DBA Password
--dbaUserName=dbaUserName DBA Username
--dropExisting Drop existing users if they exist
--oracleConnect=oracleConnect (required) Oracle connection String
--provendbPassword=provendbPassword (required) ProvenDB User Password
--provendbUser=provendbUser [default: provendb] ProvenDB User Name (defaut: provendb)
--sysPassword=sysPassword SYS Password (instead of DBA username/password)
See code: src/commands/install.js
Monitor the database for changes.
$ provendb-oracle monitor
-i, --interval=interval [default: 120] polling interval
-m, --maxTime=maxTime Maximum number of seconds to monitor
-r, --monitorRequests monitor requests in the provendbRequests table
-v, --verbose increased logging verbosity
--config=config config file location
--tables=tables tables to anchor
--validateInterval=validateInterval re-validate proofs which have not been validated after this many seconds
Monitor checks tables listed in the configuration file for changes.
Any changes to rows found will be anchored to the blockchain defined
in the configuration file.
See code: src/commands/monitor.js
Validate Oracle data against a blockchain proof
$ provendb-oracle validate
-v, --verbose increased logging verbosity
--config=config config file location
--generateCertificate Include PDF certificate with row proof
--output=output output file for proof
--proofId=proofId proofId to validate
--rowId=rowId row ID (or key) to validate
Validate compares the data in the database (or in the flashback archive) to the
digital signature (hash value) that was created when the row was anchored. It then
confirms that the hashes match and that the hash is included in the blockchain anchor.
Validate generates a proof file which contains the row data and anchor information. This
proof file can serve as an independent proof of the data.
See code: src/commands/validate.js
yarn build:mac