Clojure(Script) ROS bag reader. It currently uses a forked version of the Java Bag Reader to support a Python-like API. Arbitrary ROS bag mesasges are read into clojure data structures. Note that primitive array types are read as the corresponding Java array type (not clojure vectors).
Clojurescript API is not quite working yet.
(import '[ File])
(require '[clj-rosbag.core :as rosbag])
(def bag-file (File. "resources/Float32.bag"))
;; Note, open can take a path to a bag file, or a byte array.
(def bag (rosbag/open (.getPath bag-file)))
;; Returns a lazy sequence of messages on topic "/data".
(def messages (rosbag/read-messages bag ["/data"]))
;; ({:topic "/data",
;; :message {:data 3.14159},
;; :time #inst "2017-08-30T05:00:39.005849329-00:00"})