Status: Open to new opportunities π
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I specialize in crafting web applications using a diverse set of modern technologies. Below, you'll find a snapshot of the tools I work with and a showcase of my recent projects.
JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Next | Redux | HTML5 | CSS3 | SASS | Tailwind |
Vite | NPM | Mocha | Chai | RTL | Vitest |
Cypress | MongoDB | PostgreSQL | Node.js | Express.js | Firebase | Git |
- Description: My personal portfolio.
- Links: App | Code
- Technologies: React, Next, TypeScript, Axios, Tailwind, Material-UI
- Description: A space-themed app fetching data from NASA API.
- Links: App | Code
- Technologies: React, TypeScript, Redux, SASS, Vite, Axios, Material-UI
- Description: A simple TODO application with several functionalities.
- Technologies: React, TypeScript, Redux, SASS, Vite
- Links: App | Code
- Description: A cooking blog built with React (no responsive design).
- Links: App | Code
- Technologies: React, CSS
- Description: Backend server using Node.js and Express.js.
- Links: App | Code
- Technologies: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
Feel free to explore my projects and connect with me!
Contact Me: Email
Note: For a deeper dive into any project, refer to the documentation in the respective repository.