Cartoonify Image is a Python program that allows you to apply a cartoon effect to your images. It uses various image processing techniques to achieve this effect. This README provides instructions on how to set up and use the program.
Before you can use this program, make sure you have the required Python packages installed. You can install them using pip:
pip install easygui
pip install imageio If the above commands return an error, you can use the following commands to ensure pip is installed and then install the packages:
-->py -3.11 -m ensurepip --default-pip
-->py -3.11 -m pip install easygui
-->py -3.11 -m pip install imageio
Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
Ensure you have the required dependencies installed as mentioned in the Installation section.
Run the script. This will launch a graphical user interface (GUI) for you to interact with.
Click the "Select an Image" button to choose an image from your computer.
The program will process the selected image and display a series of image transformations, ultimately resulting in a cartoonified version of the image.
You can save the cartoonified image by clicking the "Save cartoon image" button.
The cartoonified image will be saved in the same directory as the original image with the filename "cartoonified_Image."
Here's an example of how to cartoonify an image using the program:
Run the script.
Click "Select an Image" and choose an image from your computer.
The program will process the image and display the cartoonified version.
Click "Save cartoon image" to save the cartoonified image.
- OpenCV (cv2): For image processing.
- EasyGUI: For opening the file dialog.
- NumPy: To store image data.
- ImageIO: To read images stored at a particular path.
- Matplotlib: For displaying images.
- Tkinter: For creating the graphical user interface.
- Pillow (PIL): For image handling.