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Make more sophisticated stale timer infrastructure
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Supereg committed Jan 16, 2024
1 parent 93de91d commit 5cdc374
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Showing 9 changed files with 347 additions and 127 deletions.
218 changes: 135 additions & 83 deletions Sources/SpeziBluetooth/BluetoothManager.swift
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Expand Up @@ -31,30 +31,36 @@ public class BluetoothManager: NSObject, CBCentralManagerDelegate, KVOReceiver {
public private(set) var isScanning: Bool
/// The list of discovered and connected bluetooth devices indexed by their identifier UUID.
/// The state is isolated to our `dispatchQueue`.
private var discoveredDevices: OrderedDictionary<UUID, BluetoothPeripheral> = [:] // TODO: those are never removed! what to do after disconnect?
private var discoveredPeripherals: OrderedDictionary<UUID, BluetoothPeripheral> = [:]
// TODO: those are never removed! what to do after disconnect?

/// The time interval after which an advertisement is considered stale and the device is removed.
private let advertisementStaleInterval: TimeInterval // TODO: enforce minimum time? e.g. 1s?
@ObservationIgnored private var staleDispatchItem: DispatchWorkItem? { // TODO: docs?
// TODO: capture the scheduling time and/or the device for which we scheduled? so we can calculate the diff?
willSet {
@ObservationIgnored private var staleTimer: DiscoveryStaleTimer?

/// The list of nearby bluetooth devices.
/// This array contains all discovered bluetooth peripherals and those with which we are currently connected.
public var nearbyDevices: [BluetoothPeripheral] {
public var nearbyPeripherals: [BluetoothPeripheral] {

/// The list of nearby bluetooth devices as a view.
/// This is similar to the ``nearbyDevices``. However, it doesn't copy all elements into its own array
/// This is similar to the ``nearbyPeripherals``. However, it doesn't copy all elements into its own array
/// but exposes the `Values` type of the underlying Dictionary implementation.
public var nearbyDevicesView: OrderedDictionary<UUID, BluetoothPeripheral>.Values {
public var nearbyPeripheralsView: OrderedDictionary<UUID, BluetoothPeripheral>.Values {

/// The device with the oldest device activity.
private var oldestActivityDevice: BluetoothPeripheral? { // TODO: rename
// when we are just interested in the min device, this operation is a bit cheaper then sorting the whole list
.filter { $0.state == .disconnected }
.min { lhs, rhs in
lhs.lastActivity < rhs.lastActivity

private var serviceDiscoveryIds: [CBUUID] {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,18 +97,15 @@ public class BluetoothManager: NSObject, CBCentralManagerDelegate, KVOReceiver {


// TODO: spezi module should allow later instantiation of the BluetoothManager(?)
// TODO: spezi module should allow later instantiation of the BluetoothManager(?), show power alert!

// we show the power alert upon scanning
centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: dispatchQueue, options: [CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey: false])
centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: dispatchQueue, options: [CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey: true])

isScanningObserver = KVOStateObserver<BluetoothManager>(receiver: self, entity: centralManager, property: \.isScanning)

public func scanNearbyDevices() {
// TODO: make a simple modifier that registers all onAppear, onDisappear, onForeground, onBackground handlers!
// TODO: auto-connect modifier => find first and then connect if unique (for a certain back off period)?

// TODO: just scan for nearby devices? or also call retrieveConnectedPeripherals?
// let connectedPeripherals = centralManager.retrieveConnectedPeripherals(withServices:\.serviceUUID))
// logger.debug("Found connected Peripherals with transfer service: \(connectedPeripherals.debugDescription)")
Expand All @@ -112,65 +115,110 @@ public class BluetoothManager: NSObject, CBCentralManagerDelegate, KVOReceiver {
withServices: serviceDiscoveryIds,
options: [
CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: true,
CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey: true // TODO: does this work?
CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey: true // TODO: this is not a peripheral scanning option (DOES NOT WORK!)

public func stopScanning() {
if centralManager.isScanning { // transitively checks for state == .poweredOn
logger.log("Scanning stopped")

func handleStoppedScanning() {
let devices = nearbyPeripheralsView.filter { device in
device.state == .disconnected

for device in devices {

func connect(peripheral: BluetoothPeripheral) async {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
dispatchQueue.async {
let cancelled = self.cancelStaleTask(for: peripheral)

self.centralManager.connect(peripheral.cbPeripheral, options: nil) // TODO: review connect options

if cancelled {
assert(self.staleTimer?.targetDevice !=, "Scheduled stale timer for currently connecting device!")


func disconnect(peripheral: BluetoothPeripheral) {
// stale timer is handled in the delegate method

func observeChange<K, V>(of keyPath: KeyPath<K, V>, value: V) async {
switch keyPath {
case \CBCentralManager.isScanning:
self.isScanning = value as! Bool
if !isScanning {

public func stopScanning() {
if centralManager.isScanning {
logger.log("Scanning stopped")
// TODO: should we invalidate the current scan??

// MARK: - Stale Advertisement Timeout

private func scheduleStaleTask(withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval) {
let workItem = DispatchWorkItem { [weak self] in
var nextTimeout: TimeInterval?
self?.handleStaleTask(nextTimeout: &nextTimeout)
/// Schedule a new `DiscoveryStaleTimer`, cancelling any previous one.
/// - Parameters:
/// - device: The device for which the timer is scheduled for.
/// - timeout: The timeout for which the timer is scheduled for.
private func scheduleStaleTask(for device: BluetoothPeripheral, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval) {
let timer = DiscoveryStaleTimer(device: { [weak self] in

self.staleTimer = timer
timer.schedule(for: timeout, in: dispatchQueue)

if let nextTimeout {
self?.scheduleStaleTask(withTimeout: nextTimeout) // TODO: does this work?
private func scheduleStaleTaskForOldestActivityDevice() {
if let oldestActivityDevice {
let nextTimeout =
scheduleStaleTask(for: oldestActivityDevice, withTimeout: nextTimeout)

self.staleDispatchItem = workItem
private func cancelStaleTask(for device: BluetoothPeripheral) -> Bool {
guard let staleTimer, staleTimer.targetDevice == else {
return false

// `DispatchTime` only allows for integer time
let milliSecondsTimeout = Int(timeout / 1000)
dispatchQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(milliSecondsTimeout), execute: workItem)
self.staleTimer = nil
return true

private func handleStaleTask(nextTimeout: inout TimeInterval?) {
let sortedDevices = nearbyDevicesView
.filter { $0.state == .disconnected } // only interested in disconnected (advertising) devices
.sorted { lhs, rhs in
lhs.lastActivity < rhs.lastActivity
private func handleStaleTask() {
staleTimer = nil // reset the timer

nextTimeout = nil
let staleDevices = nearbyPeripheralsView.filter { device in
device.isConsideredStale(interval: advertisementStaleInterval)

for device in sortedDevices {
if device.lastActivity.addingTimeInterval(advertisementStaleInterval) < .now {
// TODO: anything else we need to consider???
} else {
nextTimeout =
break // we are sorted, so this is the smallest timeout we need to schedule
for device in staleDevices {
// we know it won't be connected, therefore we just need to remove it
// TODO: any races?

// schedule the next timeout for devices in the list

// MARK: - CBCentralManagerDelegate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,30 +269,34 @@ public class BluetoothManager: NSObject, CBCentralManagerDelegate, KVOReceiver {
// swiftlint:disable:next legacy_objc_type
rssi: NSNumber
) {
// TODO: special 128 rssi, what was that again?
guard rssi.intValue >= minimumRSSI else { // ensure the signal strength is not too low
return // TODO: we don't log. Just to verbose. Anything else?
return // logging this would just be to verbose, so we don't.

// check if we already seen this device!
if let device = discoveredDevices[peripheral.identifier] {
if let device = discoveredPeripherals[peripheral.identifier] {
// TODO: reschedule timer based on the smallest timeout? (only relevant if we scheduled the current one for the current device?)
return // TODO: is the identifier stable??

if self.cancelStaleTask(for: device) {
// current device was earliest to go stale, schedule timeout for next oldest device

logger.debug("Discovered peripheral \(peripheral.logName) at \(rssi.intValue) dB")

// TODO: are populated?

let device = BluetoothPeripheral(central: centralManager, peripheral: peripheral, rssi: rssi)
discoveredDevices[peripheral.identifier] = device // save local-copy, such CB doesn't deallocate it
let device = BluetoothPeripheral(manager: self, peripheral: peripheral, rssi: rssi)
discoveredPeripherals[peripheral.identifier] = device // save local-copy, such CB doesn't deallocate it

if staleDispatchItem == nil {
// there is no stale timer running, so schedule one for the new device
scheduleStaleTask(withTimeout: advertisementStaleInterval)
// TODO: cancel stale timer, if we connect to a device?
if staleTimer == nil {
// There is no stale timer running. So new device will be the one with the oldest activity. Schedule ...
scheduleStaleTask(for: device, withTimeout: advertisementStaleInterval)

// TODO: support auto-connect (more options?)
Expand All @@ -253,54 +305,54 @@ public class BluetoothManager: NSObject, CBCentralManagerDelegate, KVOReceiver {
public func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didFailToConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?) {
// Documentation reads: "Because connection attempts don’t time out, a failed connection usually indicates a transient issue,
// in which case you may attempt connecting to the peripheral again."
// TODO: attempt reconnect?

if let device = discoveredDevices[peripheral.identifier] {
// TODO: is this logger message accurate?
logger.error("Failed to connect to \(peripheral): \(String(describing: error))")
Task {
await device.cleanup()
// TODO: we don't wait for this before we call cancel!
} else {

guard let device = discoveredPeripherals[peripheral.identifier] else {
logger.warning("Unknown peripheral \(peripheral.logName) failed with error: \(String(describing: error))")

// finally clean up device connection?
centralManager.cancelPeripheralConnection(peripheral) // TODO: review what this code actually does?
logger.error("Failed to connect to \(peripheral): \(String(describing: error))")
Task {
await device.disconnect() // TODO: attempt reconnect, instead? OR make it configurable?

public func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {
guard let device = discoveredDevices[peripheral.identifier] else {
guard let device = discoveredPeripherals[peripheral.identifier] else {
logger.error("Received didConnect for unknown peripheral \(peripheral.logName). Cancelling connection ...")

logger.debug("Peripheral \(peripheral.logName) connected ...")
Task {
await device.handleConnect()

public func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?) {
guard let device = self.discoveredDevices.removeValue(forKey: peripheral.identifier) else {
guard let device = discoveredPeripherals[peripheral.identifier] else {
logger.error("Received didDisconnect for unknown peripheral \(peripheral.logName).")

logger.debug("Peripheral \(peripheral.logName) disconnected ...")
Task {
await device.handleDisconnect()

// we will keep disconnected devices for 25% of the stale interval time.
let interval = advertisementStaleInterval * 0.25 // TODO: only if isScanning is true?
device.handleDisconnect(disconnectActivityInterval: interval)

// We just schedule the new timer if there is a device to schedule one for.

deinit {
self.state = .poweredOff
discoveredPeripherals = [:] // TODO: disconnect devices?

logger.debug("BluetoothManager destroyed")
Expand Down

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