IACG is an experimental B/S system for industry app classifying and grading.
- This is the source codes of my programming assignment of SE2019 courses.
- Register (as different roles)
- Login
- Profile
- Manage
- Password
- Personal data
- Delete account
- View apps
- View reviews
- App details
- Edit apps
- Delete apps
- Create apps
- Review apps
- Review details
- Edit reviews
- Delete reviews
- .NET Core 3.0
- ASP.NET Core 3.0
- EntityFramework Core 3.0
- MS SQL Server
Use Visual Studio Community 2019 (v16.3.10) with "ASP.NET and Web Development" workload.
Open IACG.sln
in VS and press F5
. It takes time to restore libraries and front-end packages.
Then visit https://localhost:5001/
or http://localhost:5000
to view the website.
Seed data (all password is 123456):
- Admin user:
- admin
- Enterprise user:
- enttest
- enttest2
- Professional user
- protest
- protest2