In today's data-driven world, processing large volumes of data in real-time has become essential for many organizations. The Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process is a common way to manage the flow of data between systems. In this article, we'll walk through how to build a scalable ETL pipeline using Apache Airflow, Kafka, and Python, Mongo and Flask
In this pipeline, the RSS feeds are scraped using a Python library called feedparser. This library is used to parse the XML data in the RSS feeds and extract the relevant information. The parsed data is then transformed into a standardized JSON format using Python's built-in json library. This format includes fields such as title, summary, link, published_date, and language, which make the data easier to analyze and consume.
Clone the project to your desired location:
$ git clone
Execute the following command that will create the .env file containig the Airflow UID needed by docker-compose:
$ echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
Build Docker:
$ docker-compose build
Initialize Airflow database:
$ docker-compose up airflow-init
Start Containers:
$ docker-compose up -d
When everything is done, you can check all the containers running:
$ docker ps
Now you can access Airflow web interface by going to http://localhost:8080 with the default user which is in the docker-compose.yml. Username/Password: airflow Now, we can trigger our DAG and see all the tasks running.
Note: run the docker-compose mongo-kafka file before running the dag
navigate to cd mongo-kafka:
$ docker-compose up -d
Execute the following command that will create SinkConnector for Mongo
$ curl -X POST \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data @mongo-sink.json \
$ docker exec -ti mongo mongo -u debezium -p dbz --authenticationDatabase admin localhost:27017/demo
$ show collections;
$ db.rss_feeds_collection.find();
Run api
$ python