A CLI tool to make Last.fm bar chart race animations
Make sure you have Python and pip (use your own package manager!):
sudo apt install python3
Install ffmpeg:
sudo apt install ffmpeg
Install/update LICCHART:
pip install --upgrade licchart
Install Homebrew package manager:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Make sure you have Python and pip:
brew install python
Install ffmpeg:
brew install ffmpeg
Install/update LICCHART:
pip install --upgrade licchart
Install Python:
- Make sure to tick a box "Add Python to PATH"
Install ffmpeg:
- Download latest build
- Unzip a folder you find inside to your
drive and rename the extracted folder toffmpeg
- Make sure that your path to
- Run cmd as administrator
- Run the following command:
setx /m PATH "C:\ffmpeg\bin;%PATH%"
Install Visual C++ with Build Tools:
- Download latest installer and run it
- Make sure to tick a box "Desktop development with C++" and install
- Restart your PC
Install/update LICCHART:
pip install --upgrade licchart
Please, refer to troubleshooting section at the bottom of this README file if you have difficulties installing
Chances are you can delete Visual C++ / Build Tools after LICCHART was succesfully installed. It hasn't been tested, though. If it doesn't bother you, I suggest leaving it installed
In order to fetch scrobbles from Last.fm, you need to create a Last.fm API key
You can specify what API key LICCHART should use with:
licchart --api KEY
Your key file will be stored in a current directory!
Using LICCHART is straightforward, just pass in your Last.fm username! LICCHART will generate a chart with default settings for you
licchart USERNAME
Once it's complete, you will see your generated video and CSV in a current directory
CSV file reduces time of your next data fetch
You can make a better chart by customizing it to your liking
You can add arguments to your command to customize your chart generation, for example:
licchart USERNAME -d -s 06/30/2022 -e July 1st 2022 --bars 10 --fps 60 -l 3.5
Command above generates a chart that:
- Processes each day (
) - Shows scrobbles from 06/30/22 til 07/01/22 (
-s 06/30/2022 -e July 1st
) - Has 10 artists max (
--bars 10
) - Has 60 FPS (
--fps 60
) - Lasts 3.5 minutes (
-l 3.5
Option | Description | Value type | Default |
-h, --help | Shows help message in terminal and exits | None | None |
-v, --version | Prints out current version and exits | None | None |
-a KEY, --api KEY | Changes API key and exits | String | None |
-m, --months | Takes less time to generate, but gives a less accurate result | None | Yes |
-d, --days | Takes quite a while to generate, but gives a very accurate result | None | No |
-s DATE, --start DATE | Sets starting date (month goes first) | Date String | Your first scrobble |
-e DATE, --end DATE | Sets ending date (month goes first) | Date String | Your last scrobble |
-b AMOUNT, --bars AMOUNT | Sets how many artists will be visible on the chart | Integer | 20 |
-l MIN, --length MIN | Sets how long your animation will be | Decimal | Dynamic value |
-f FPS, --fps FPS | More frames take more time to generate, but provide a smoother animation | Integer | 30 |
Uninstall LICCHART
pip uninstall licchart
Uninstall dependencies with package manager you used to install them
In rare cases you might get an error while installing LICCHART on Windows. To troubleshoot this:
- Open Build Tools installer again
- Uninstall Visual Studio Build Tools
- Find Visual Studio Community in "Available" tab
- Select Python and C++ options and install it