Im Stan P, 22 years old, so almost 23, and that's almost 24. So lets say... i'm basically 25.
I'm alive in Belgium; I love programming in Javascript and Flutter (dart); I learned programming from a friend (make sure to check him out -> Xevro <-); I kept on rolling into it, trying different languages and making a dozen of small projects and also a couple of websites.
let Stan = {
Born: 2002,
Main-programming-language: ["Flutter", "dart"],
Languages: {
C#: [".Net"],
JavaScript: ["Node.js", "Express.js", ""],
PHP: ["No frameworks"],
CSS: ["SCSS", "SASS", "Bootstrap"],
HTML: "Handlebars"
Other: {
Operating-systems: ["macOS", "Windows"],
Tools: ["VS Code", "Visual Studio 2019-2022", "Github", "Bootstrap Studio"],