API server for this nba predict UI. Receives player career data and performs linear regression to predict an NBA player's next season. All players must be associated with an user.
Make sure you have maven installed and Java 17. Git clone and in root directory of this app run mvn clean install -U
Then, run mvn spring-boot-run
A user will be created with name test
and password test
on start up. This user will have one mock record.
For Swagger UI, go to browser and enter http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
For H2 console, go to browser and enter http://localhost:8080/h2-console
. User is sa
and password is password
Running locally with Docker
run docker build -t yourtag/here .
then executed docker run -p 8080:8080 yourtag/here
Used AWS ECS to host backend. The output CloudFormation template is in the root dir of this product
entitiled aws-ecs-template.json
and available on port 8080 on formation.