A minimal glue library to show GUI prompts that interacts with users using different backends
import staphdialog
staphdialog.api.info("My Title", "My info")
staphdialog.api.question("My Title", "My question")
staphdialog.api.text("My Title", "My prompt")
staphdialog.api.radio("My Title", "My prompt", ("a", "bunch", "of", "options"))
For a return value of None, it means user cancelled the interaction, the interaction timed out, or the user did not make a choice.
Currently these backends are supported:
- kdialog
- zenity
- tk
- dialog
During import, the first one from the list that looks available to use would be imported and aliased as staphdialog.api
For this reason, it shall provide a pretty decent appearance on most linux and other desktop OSes.
These processes would be spawned and executed, and results returned back.
PRs are very welcomed. I also hope that this could be potentially adapted for other backends to interact with user.