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4 AutoDrive HUD

Matteo Autieri edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 3 revisions

This section is going to explain all the HUD elements of the current AutoDrive HUD. Be aware that many buttons have a secondary function attached. This is used by either using the middle mouse button or the right mouse button. The primary function is always bound to the left mouse button. Some elements such as the destination pull down menus and the speedmeter also use the mouse wheel.

To use the AutoDrive HUD, the mouse cursor has to be visible. This can be achieved by using the keybinding of AutoDrive (see ‘Toggle mouse’) or by using any of the other mods that use a similar function to enable the mouse. Which means AutoDrive is always able to ‘share’ the mouse cursor with other mods since it uses any active mouse cursor and is not limited to the mouse cursor being activated by it’s own keybinding. If this is also enabled for the respective other mod is irrelevant to AutoDrive but I strongly encourage all other mod authors to use this approach for better interoperability between our mods and a better gameplay experience for all players.

4.1 Hud Buttons:

All buttons have a primary function which can be activated by left-clicking the icon. Some icons have a secondary function which can be used by either using middle or right mouse button on it.

4.1.1 Standard buttons

1 En/Disable 
    1.1 Simple switch. If AutoDrive is not active, it can be started with this button. Otherwise, AutoDrive will be stopped and the control passed to the player without stopping the vehicle first. While AutoDrive is active, the button will dislay a solid white icon and be greyed out otherwise.
2 Change mode
    2.1 Cycle through the different modes forwards
    2.2 Cycle backwards
3 Continue
    3.1 Can be used to set the internal ‘isPaused’ state of a vehicle to false. If this state is not immediately retriggered, the driver will continue it’s path.
4 Speedmeter
    4.1 Increase speed limit of vehicle when using AutoDrive.
    4.2 Decrease speed limit
    4.3 Mouse wheel - scroll to increase/decrease speed limit
5 Park vehicle
    5.1 Send vehicle to predefined park destination
    5.2 Set the currently selected target as park destination
6 Increase loop counter
    6.1 Increase counter
    6.2 Decrease counter
7 Edit mode
   7.1  This button toggles the edit mode. In this mode, all points of the network are drawn in the area of the current vehicle. The edit mode relevant buttons appear on the HUD. The red line is drawn from the vehicle’s center to the closest point. This point is always the one being used in all edit actions and is referred to as 'Closest Point'

4.1.2 Edit mode relevant buttons

1 Recalculate
    1.1 Press this button to start the recalculation process. In this process, the fastest routes from all points in the network to all destinations are calculated. This step is required after each edit of the network. The calculation time is heavily dependent on the amount of points in the network and even more so on the amount of destinations. For those interested: The algorithm used is a ‘simple Dijkstra algorithm. The weights between the points are either only their Euclidian distance or the expected drive time (see settings – use fastest path). Also depending on the settings ‘Avoid other targets’, an additional weight is added to connections between two points where the outgoing point is a destination. The added weight can also be defined in the settings. This mechanism allows to avoid shortcuts through narrow roads / productions points / sell points etc. by adding a cost to driving over destination points. The calculation speed is set to a low value that is fine for small to medium sized networks and allows lag-free gaming during this phase. For larger networks it might be helpful to set the ‘Recalculation speed’ to a higher value which will cause a more laggy gameplay but will significantly increase the speed by allowing more calculations per frame. Important: This process can not be stopped and you should not edit the network while this process is active. ToDo: Ensure this by disabling the buttons for this time
2 Record
    2.1 If pressed, the vehicle will start recording in normal mode. Clicking again will stop recording. The speed at which points are recorded is not relevant since AutoDrive determines the speed dynamically depending on the vehicle weight, current speed and the next path segment angles.
    2.2 Start/Stop recording in dual way mode
3 Show neighour
    3.1 Show/hide the yellow line which is drawn to a point in the surrounding area. If one point without an incoming connection is found, it is displayed first.
4 Next neighbour:
    4.1 Cycle forwards through the list of neighbours that is created when clicking ‘Show neighbour’.
    4.2 Cycle backwards
5 Create/Edit Destination
    5.1 Create a destination at the currently 'Closest Point' (red line), if there are already a destination, it's edited
    5.2 Rename the currently selected target  destination
6 Toggle connection
    6.1 Create a connection between the 'Closest Point' (red line) and the ‘Neighor point’ (yellow line). If the connection already exists, it will be removed. The direction is always set towards the neighbour. So if you want to create a dual way road, you will have to repeat this process when having swapped these two points.
7 Remove point
    7.1 Remove the 'Closest Point' (red line)
    7.2 Remove the destination at the 'Closest Point' (red line)

4.2 HUD Destinations

The HUD has two lines or elements to display the currently set destinations. Depending on the mode these targets have a slightly different meaning. There are icons in front of the destinations to convey this information.

• Target destination

• Unload destination

• Load destination

To select a new target, the destination icon has to clicked to display the drop down menu. In the drop down menu you can scroll with the mouse wheel to navigate through your list of available destinations.

Todo: Work on the default scroll position which leads to destinations not being displayed when opening the drop down menu with only a few recorded destinations.

Depending on your setting of ‘Use folders’, the list will either contain all destinations in an alphabetically sorted order or it will contain a list of folders, which can be used to sort your destinations into meaningful groups. To select a target, simply left-click it with the mouse cursor. If you wish to cancel the process, click outside of the drop down menu. This will close the menu and the last selected destination will remain selected. In earlier versions of AutoDrive, the HUD contained four icons to cycle through the target and the unload destinations. These functions are still implemented and can be bound to a keybinding in the game options (see keybindings).

Todo: Also use alphabetical order for these functions.

4.3 HUD Fill type

The fill type required for the two modes ‘Pickup & Deliver’ and ‘Load mode’ can also be selected with a drop down menu or by binding keys to the functions (see keybindings). Note: The fill type is only required / checked on fill triggers where AutoDrive has to actively start a load process from a silo / buy trigger. If you only use AutoDrive to sell the current product and / or fill the driver manually or Courseplay controlled. There is no need to set this value here.

4.4 HUD Info bar

The top bar of the HUD is used to display some information to the player. If you hover over a button, the primary functions short name is displayed in this line. If a driver is in the unload combine mode, the current status is also shown in this bar. The close HUD icon is also located on the top bar and can be used to close the HUD. Remember that you can always toggle the HUD with the key binding ‘Toggle HUD’.

4.5 HUD folder structure and usage

To sort a growing list of destinations, a player can create folders to group destinations together. This also allows the feature ‘Multiple targets’ (see settings) to work. All destinations are put into the ‘Default’ folder when created. This folder is always available and can not be removed. To use the folders features, enable the setting ‘Use folders’ in the general settings menu of AutoDrive. To create a new folder, open one of the destination drop down menus and scroll all the way to the top where the ‘Default’ folder is located. There are three buttons on this line.

• ‘+’ – create a new folder. This opens a text entry field where you can enter a name for the new folder

• ‘>’ – move to folder: This button is on all folders and moves the currently selected target destination to this folder.

• ‘v’ / ‘^’ – Show/hide folder.

By default all new folders are hidden on all vehicles. The show/hide settings are stored per vehicle. If you open the drop down menu, the folder of the currently selected target is always shown.