GAUGE is a framework for product storytelling, a simple mnemonic for the five key elements that signal the potential success of a new product or organization.
The five GAUGE factors are Market (G)ap, Unfair (A)dvantage, (U)nique Value, (G)ain Model, (E)xecution Ability. While there are many factors relevant to potential success, the GAUGE mnemonic isolates on those most important to the selling of an idea to others. The gauge-data repo focuses on the tools for collecting the raw data that can be turned into compelling messages later. A gauge project manages its development.
Given information overload, a succinct expression of potential value helps an innovator to identify those with like interest. You want to sell your idea. Others though, may or may not be interested. Help those people most likely to be of value to your project self identify quickly. Product marketing professionals typically create these messages, but they need a clear signal to do their best work.
GAUGE data entry guides and streamlines the data entry process to create a consistent signal. The innovator, and all teammates, reviewers and coaches quickly understand the concept in the same way. Tools can be built to give intelligent feedback on specific elements of the concept.
This particular open source project focuses on the data collection aspect, with the primary goal to create a data structure standard for the framework data. Help is welcome on the Requirements.