Woke up this morning with a desire to see if I can do away with if statements altogether. I decided to implement a quick and dirty login system in swift that just checks to see whether the supplied password matches the stored one and returns a response accordingly.
The implementation boiled down to these two differences..
Using a map/dictionary instead of an If
let potentialActions: [Bool:Action] = [
true : LoggedInAction(cred: cred),
false : InvalidPasswordAction()
let auth = UserAuthentication(username: username, password: password, credentials: creds)
let action = potentialActions[auth.passwordMatches()]!
and the normal way
let auth = UserAuthentication(username: username, password: password, credentials: creds)
var action: Action
if(auth.passwordMatches()) {
action = LoggedInAction(cred: cred)
} else {
action = InvalidPasswordAction()