Drupal module that allow the display of file/image fields with Viewerjs.org
- Rename the module folder to viewerjs
- Download ViewerJs (or clone the ready branch) here: https://github.com/Strae/Viewer.js
- If cloning from gitub, please mind to checkout the ready branch!
- Place it into your library folder, usually sites/all/libraries, and rename it viewerjs (lowercase it)
- Just check that file libraries/viewerjs/Viewer.js exists.
- Check that all the required modules are installed and enabled: libraries ( http://drupal.org/project/libraries ), file and image (from drupal 7 core).
- Install the module in Drupal (admin > modules, section Media, or via
drush en viewerjs
- To enable it, in the "Manage Display" of your content-type, just choose "ViewerJS Default" as format for the file/image fields you want to apply Viewerjs.
- When you choose "ViewerJS Default" as formatter, you can change all the settings.
- Widget: copy the css file modules/viewerjs/css/viewerjs.css in your theme css folder. Alternatively, copy the content of the viewerjs.css in your theme css files and edit it.
- ViewerJS: If you want to change the ViewerJs theme, follow this steps:
- Edit index.html into your libraries/viewerjs folder, adding your custom css file.
- Use libraries/viewerjs/viewer.css file as reference. If you need a different DOM structure than index.html, just create your own (in the same folder!), then remember to specify the new filename in the settings of the field format (see CONFIGURATION)
Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce — www.entypo.com
Svg font package made with Fontello.com
License CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/