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rOCCI Server - A Ruby OCCI Server

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If you want to use rOCCI-server in a production environment, follow the production instructions for installation and configuration, otherwise follow the developer instructions for installation and configuration.


The following setup is required

  • Ruby >= 1.8.7
  • Bundler gem installed (use gem install bundler)
  • OpenNebula >= 3.2 if the OpenNebula backend is used

The following setup is recommended

  • usage of the Ruby Version Manger (RVM)
  • Ruby >= 1.9.3



Download the latest version from

Extract downloaded file, remove it and change to rOCCI-server directory

unzip gwdg-rOCCI-server-*.zip
rm gwdg-rOCCI-server-*.zip
cd gwdg-rOCCI-server-*

Install dependencies

bundle install --deployment


Checkout latest version from GIT:

git clone git://

Change to rOCCI folder

cd rOCCI-server

Install dependencies

bundle install


rOCCI-server comes with different backends. Check the etc folder for available backends (e.g. dummy, opennebula, ...). Each backend has an example configuration in a file with the name of the backend and the extension .json. Copy one of those files (e.g. etc/backend/dummy/dummy.json) to etc/backend/default.json and adapt its content to your setting.

To configure the behaviour of compute, network and storage resource creation, edit the backend specific extensions of the OCCI model at etc/backend/$BACKEND/model (e.g. etc/backend/dummy/model for the dummy backend).

To change the predefined resource or OS templates, you can adapt the existing templates in etc/backend/$BACKEND/templates or add new templates. If resource or OS templates are already registered in the backend, they will be automatically discovered by rOCCI-server.

OpenNebula backend

If you want to change the actual deployment within OpenNebula you can change the OpenNebula templates in the files in etc/backend/opennebula/one_templates.

Templates registered within OpenNebula will be made available by rOCCI as OS templates. To properly use these templates ensure that the permissions are set correctly. If the templates are only used by the owner of the template, the permission must be 400 or u--for the user. If the templates should be used by users from the same group, the permissions must at least be 440 or uu- for both user and group. If you want to combine OS templates with resource templates, you must ensure that rOCCI can modify the resource templates. Thus the permissions must be 600 or um- for the user or 660 or um- for both user and group.

To configure resource templates (e.g. small, medium, large, ...) change the files in etc/backend/opennebula/templates.

For the OpenNebula backend a special server user is required in OpenNebula. To create a user named occi run the following command in your OpenNebula environment (replace $RANDOM with a secure password!):

oneuser create occi $RANDOM --driver server_cipher

Make sure that the user is member of the oneadmin group

oneuser chgrp occi oneadmin

After copying etc/backend/opennebula/opennebula.json to etc/backend/default.json you have to adapt the admin and password attributes in that file to the ones you chose during the user creation.

If you want to use basic or digest authentication for users of rOCCI-server you have to create the users in OpenNebula with the core auth driver. For a user named john the command may look like this

oneuser create john johnspassword --driver core

If you want to use X.509 authentication for your users, you need to create the users in OpenNebula with the X.509 driver. For a user named doe the command may look like this

oneuser create doe "/C=US/O=Doe Foundation/CN=John Doe" --driver x509

For more information have a look at the OpenNebula Documentation on x509 Authentication


rOCCI-server is using passenger to be deployed into a webserver.


rOCCI-server will work with the default passenger setup even though this setup is not recommended for production. To use advanced features such as X.509 authentication, you need to set up passenger with a separate Nginx or Apache webserver. Luckily, this is pretty easy. Detailed instructions can be found in the Passenger Documentation.

To use the standalone passenger with nginx run the following command (and maybe follow the installation steps) and rOCCI-server is running

bundle exec passenger start

To install rOCCI-server with RVM and either Nginx or Apache follow the steps below.


Detailed information on setting up and using RVM can be found on the RVM website.

Install RVM as sudo user (e.g. not root)

curl -L | sudo bash -s stable

Select a user as a manager, and add him to rvm group - he will be responsible for installing new rubies.

usermod -a -G rvm $USER

If you intend to manage rOCCI-server from a different user account, you need to run the following command and logout and login again

rvm user gemsets

Setup RVM for rOCCI-server (change the ruby version to your favorite one)

cd rOCCI-server
rvm install ruby-1.9.3
rvm --rvmrc --create ruby-1.9.3@rOCCI-server


Note: If you intend to use several CAs for client certificate validation, you should use Apache as Nginx currently only allows to configure one CA file to use for client certificate validation.

Let passenger guide you through installing and or configuring Nginx (for apache see below) for you

bundle exec rvmsudo passenger-install-nginx-module

Edit the Nginx configuration (e.g. /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf) and insert a new server entry for the rOCCI server. To use SSL you need a valid server certificate and for client verification you need a file containing all CAs you want to use for verification (there currently seems to be no way to specify multiple CA files for verification). The entry should look like this (adapt to your settings, especially $USER! and server_name):

    server {
        # change to the server name rOCCI-server should be accessible from
        server_name  localhost;
        # change to the port rOCCI-server should listen on
        listen 443;
        # important, this needs to point to the public folder of your rOCCI-server
        root /home/$USER/rOCCI-server/public;

        ssl on;
        # this should point to your server host certificate
        ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt;
        # this should point to your server host key
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/server.key;
        # this should point to the Root CAs which should be used for client verification
        ssl_client_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem;
        # if you have multiple CAs in the file above, you may need to increase the verify depht
        ssl_verify_depth 10;
        # set to optional, this tells nginx to attempt to verify SSL certificates if provided
        ssl_verify_client optional;

        passenger_enabled on;
        # pass the subject of the client certificate to passenger
        passenger_set_cgi_param SSL_CLIENT_S_DN $ssl_client_s_dn;

You have to start/restart Nginx before you can use rOCCI-server!


Let passenger guide you through installing and or configuring Apache for you

bundle exec rvmsudo passenger-install-apache2-module

Create a new VirtualHost in the sites-available directory of Apache (e.g. in /etc/apache2/sites-available/occi-ssl) with the following content (adapt to your settings, especially $USER! and ServerName):

<VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine on
    # for security reasons you may restrict the SSL protocol, but some clients may fail if SSLv2 is not supported
    SSLProtocol all
    # this should point to your server host certificate
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt
    # this should point to your server host key
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/server.key
    # directory containing the Root CA certificates and their hashes
    SSLCACertificatePath /etc/ssl/certs
    # set to optional, this tells Apache to attempt to verify SSL certificates if provided
    SSLVerifyClient optional
    # if you have multiple CAs in the file above, you may need to increase the verify depht
    SSLVerifyDepth 10
    # enable passing of SSL variables to passenger
    SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

    ServerName localhost
    # important, this needs to point to the public folder of your rOCCI-server
    DocumentRoot /home/$USER/rOCCI-server/public
    <Directory /home/$USER/rOCCI-server/public>
        Allow from all
        Options -MultiViews

You have to start/restart Apache before you can use rOCCI-server!


If you checked out rOCCI-server from GIT, then you can pull the latest version or a tagged version, update all required ruby gems using bundler and restart the server by touching the file tmp/restart.txt:

cd rOCCI-server
git pull
bundle install --deployment
mkdir tmp
touch tmp/restart.txt

If you have downloaded a new milestone from the steps are similar:

tar xzf
cp rOCCI-server-X rOCCI-server
cd rOCCI-server
bundle install --deployment
mkdir tmp
touch tmp/restart.txt


To run the rspec scenario test run

bundle exec rspec

For manual testing it is recommended to use the OCCI client supplied as part of the rOCCI gem. For more information visit


Code Documentation

Code Documentation for rOCCI by YARD

Continuous integration

Continuous integration for rOCCI by Travis-CI


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_markup)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "My changes")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my_markup)
  5. Use GitHubs Pull Requests to submit the code for review


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