A simple local reverse proxy server for HLS segment cache.
- User sets a reverse proxy url to the
instead of the origin url.- https://example.com/vod.m3u8 +
- AVPlayer requests a playlist(
) to the local reverse proxy server. - Reverse proxy server fetches the origin playlist and replaces all URIs to point the localhost.
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:12.000, - vod_00001.ts + #EXTINF:12.000, - vod_00002.ts + #EXTINF:12.000, - vod_00003.ts +
- AVPlayer requests segments(
) to the local reverse proxy server. - Reverse proxy server fetches the origin segment and caches it. Next time the server will return the cached data for the same segment.
let server = HLSCachingReverseProxyServer()
server.start(port: 8080)
let playlistURL = URL(string: "http://devstreaming.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2016/102w0bsn0ge83qfv7za/102/0640/0640.m3u8")!
let reverseProxyURL = server.reverseProxyURL(from: playlistURL)!
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: reverseProxyURL)
self.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem)
Use CocoaPods with Podfile:
pod 'HLSCachingReverseProxyServer'
$ make project
$ open HLSCachingReverseProxyServer.xcworkspace
HLSCachingReverseProxyServer is under MIT license. See the LICENSE for more info.