GUI to manage your Wireguard VPN Connection with a graphical interface
GUI VPN Client for Linux-Distros.
- wireguard must be installed.
- wireguard-tools must be installed.
- zenity must be installed if not already installed.
- resolvconf must be installed if not already installed.
sudo apt install wireguard wireguard-tools zenity resolvconf
- Download
- Open terminal in downlod folder and type
chmod +x
- call the script
./ creates a Desktop shortcut for easy access.
You can add and remove your Wireguard config files and connect and disconnect a VPN tunnle.
To establish a wireguard VPN tunnel you need admin/root rights. So each time you want to connect to a wireguard Server/partner you need to input the admin/root password. In the background Wireguard wants to create new network tunnel interface and that is only possible with root/admin credentials