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Pipeline for chromosome-specific_KASPs

This de novo SNP discovery and filtration pipeline was established by Prof Anthony Hall's group at Earlham Institute and has been used to produce chromosome-specific KASP assays between hexaploid wheat and wild relative species Amblyopyrum muticum (Grewal et al. 2021).

A novel approach to develop wheat chromosome-specific KASP markers for detecting Amblyopyrum muticum segments in doubled haploid introgression lines Surbhi Grewal, Benedict Coombes, Ryan Joynson, Anthony Hall, John Fellers, Cai-yun Yang, Duncan Scholefield, Stephen Ashling, Peter Isaac, Ian P. King, Julie King bioRxiv 2021.09.29.462370; doi:

1. Mapping to Reference Genome

index genome for mapping

bwa index iwgsc_refseqv1.0_all_chromosomes/161010_Chinese_Spring_v1.0_pseudomolecules.fasta

map paired-end reads to genome

bwa mem -t 8 -M iwgsc_refseqv1.0_all_chromosomes/161010_Chinese_Spring_v1.0_pseudomolecules.fasta muticum_reads_1.fq muticum_reads_2.fq > muticum.sam

2. Filtering Reads and Making BAM file

keep uniquely mapping reads and sort bam file

samtools view -h muticum.sam | awk '$1 ~ /^@/ || $2 == 65 || $2 == 129 || $2 == 67 || $2 == 131 || $2 == 113 || $2 == 177 || $2 == 81 || $2 == 161 || $2 == 163 || $2 == 83 || $2 == 97 || $2 == 145 || $2 == 99 || $2 == 147 || $2 == 137 || $2 == 73 {print $0}' | samtools view -u -q 10 - | samtools sort -o muticum_filt_srt.bam -

index bam file

samtools index -c muticum_filt_srt.bam

3. Removing PCR Duplicates

make dictionary of genome

java -jar -Xmx10g picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary R= iwgsc_refseqv1.0_all_chromosomes/161010_Chinese_Spring_v1.0_pseudomolecules.fasta O= iwgsc_refseqv1.0_all_chromosomes/161010_Chinese_Spring_v1.0_pseudomolecules.dict

remove PCR duplicates from bam

java -jar -Xmx10g picard.jar MarkDuplicates I= muticum_filt_srt.bam O= muticum_remove_dups.bam M=duplication.txt REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true AS=true MAX_FILE_HANDLES_FOR_READ_ENDS_MAP=1000 VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT

index bam file

samtools index -c muticum_remove_dups.bam

4. Variant Calling

call variants using bcftools - each chromosome runs on different thread

python3 muticum_remove_dups.bam muticum

concatanate variant calling from each chromosome

bcftools concat -o muticum.raw.vcf muticum_variants*

5. Variant Filtration

filter variants

java -jar -Xmx10g GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -R iwgsc_refseqv1.0_all_chromosomes/161010_Chinese_Spring_v1.0_pseudomolecules.fasta -T VariantFiltration --variant muticum.raw.vcf -o muticum_vfalleleINDELcalls.vcf --clusterSize 3 --clusterWindowSize 10 --filterExpression "DP < 5 || QUAL < 30.0" --filterName "DodgySNPs" --genotypeFilterExpression "isHet == 1" --genotypeFilterName Heterozygote --genotypeFilterExpression "isHomVar == 1" --genotypeFilterName Homozygote --genotypeFilterExpression "isHomRef == 1" --genotypeFilterName HomozygoteRef

remove INDELs

grep -v "INDEL" muticum_vfalleleINDELcalls.vcf | grep -v "^#" > muticum_vfallelecalls.vcf

6. Keep SNPs suitable for KASP assay design

remove SNPs with SNP within 50bp

python3 muticum_vfallelecalls.vcf 50 muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps.vcf

keep homozygous SNPs that passed the GATK filters

grep "PASS" muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps.vcf | grep "Homo" > muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo.vcf

extract the sequence 50bp either side of SNP

python3 iwgsc_refseqv1.0_all_chromosomes/161010_Chinese_Spring_v1.0_pseudomolecules.fasta muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo.vcf > muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo.fasta

7. Keep choromosome-specific SNPs

blast sequences to genome

blastn -db iwgsc_refseqv1.0_all_chromosomes/161010_Chinese_Spring_v1.0_pseudomolecules.fasta -query muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo.fasta -outfmt 6 -num_threads 16 > muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo_blast.tsv

discard sequences that hit to more than one place in the genome (any non self hits)

cat muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo_blast.tsv | python3 muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo_single_copy_id.txt

produce final fasta of sequences

grep -A1 -f muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo_single_copy_id.txt muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo.fasta | grep -v "^-" > Am_muticum_snp_regions_single_copy.fasta

produce final vcf

sed 's/-/\.\*/' muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo_single_copy_id.txt | grep f - muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo.fasta > Am_muticum_homo_snps_single_copy.vcf

produce SNP file with ref and alt alleles in square brackets

python3 muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo.fasta muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo.vcf muticum_vfallelecalls_filt_flanking_snps_PASS_homo_single_copy_id.txt


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