Assignments and related projects for Computer Vision course with Python's OpenCV image recognition library.
pip install opencv-python pip install -U scikit-image
Assignment 1:
- Display dog.bmp image and histogram.
- Slider for Brightness and Contrast.
- Press S to apply the settings to the image.
Assignment 2:
- Apply BoxFilter blurring with cv library and manually
- Apply Gaussian blurring with cv library
- Apply Sobel blurring with cv library and manual
- In the x direction
- In the y direction
- In the xy direction
Assignment 3:
- Apply Mean shift segmentation
- Apply Otsu segmentation with 2 classes (binarization)
- Apply Otsu segmentation with several classes (3+)
Assignment 4:
- Apply Hough Circle Transform using OpenCV
- Apply Hough Circle Transform manually
- Compare performance (accuracy and runtime) between OpenCV and manually